Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter One)

I woke up to the bright sun, hiding behind the trees. I sat up and stretched with a silent, but long yawn. I got some jean shorts on, and slipped on a white button down shirt. I also put on a black hat, and shoes, and walked out the door.
My new surroundings were so unfamiliar, I got lost almost in an instant. I found myself in a forest and sat down on a near by rock.

“Man, where am I?” I questioned myself, looking up to the skies for answers. I sighed and stood up, continuing my long, but hopeless, journey.

I saw some weird kids climbing trees, but not the way I would’ve. I stood there staring at all of them in wonder. The girl seemed to be doing better than the other two boys. I broke my gaze and went on. I tripped immediately, on a tree root, and hit the ground face forward. I kept my anger in and slowly stood. I noticed all eyes were on me. I nervously smiled, and looked in two different directions.

“Are you lost?” The strange guy with gray hair and a mask asked.

“Actually, yeah…do you know how to get to the, um…, Hokage’s office?” They gave me questioning looks as I finished.

“Could one of you show…your name?” He asked me. I didn’t understand, and hesitated at the question, but soon got it.

“Oh, sorry, my name is Naomi.” I statement with a slight smile.

“Show, Naomi where the office is.” He finally finished.

“I will!” A boy with spiky yellow hair suggested with an eager smile.

“Hn, maybe Sasuke should go with you.” The masked stranger suggested back.

“Fine…” The kid known as Sasuke finally stated. He walked pass me as a hint to follow, so I did. “Come on, Naruto.” Sasuke called to the blonde kid.

“What did you say your name was again?” Naruto asked, finally catching up.

“Naomi.” I said with a gentle smile.

I stopped them as we got to the village.

“I just needed to get to the village. Sorry I didn’t say that.” I apologized to the two young men.

“Whatever…” Sasuke said leaving Naruto behind.

“Thank you.” I nodded toward him. He smiled and ran to catch up with Sasuke, waving.

I got up off the bench after a long day of reading in the park. The sun began to set as I found myself at the same spot Naruto and Sasuke lead me.

“Hm…where am I?” I asked myself. I walked straight, and kept on going straight for a while. Until I thought I saw a familiar face. “Ahem, excuse me?! Sasuke?!” I shouted towards him from a far out distance. He looked around and then disappeared.
“Huh? Where’d he---“ Myself question was cut off by someone grabbing me from behind and covering my mouth, and going behind a tree. I looked and saw Sasuke, inspecting the premises.

“What’re you doing?!” I mumbled under the force of his hand.

“Shhhh…” He stated, “Itachi’s out here…somewhere…”
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If you know me from Quizilla than you know this story already. The new ones will be put up; be patient, please.

And if you are reading this story for the first time, I hope you like it. Enjoy!