Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Ten)

Sasuke looked at me with a surprised, yet freaked out, look on his face.

“How did you know that?” He asked me with the same look.

“Well, I-I…I acted the same way when…when…it happened to me.” I finally stuttered out. Sasuke gave me disbelieving eyes as he spoke.

“How’d it happen?” I didn’t like talking about it. Actually, I never told anyone; so I guess you could say I didn’t like to think about it.

“Well, it was a long time ago when I was about eight. Not that smart, but old enough to understand what was going on. I came home and saw my whole family being slaughtered. I remember crying the whole time. I had enough training to at least heal some wounds, but I did nothing. I also remember some guy walking up to me, ready to end my life, but my brother stopped him. The guy gave him a look and went on killing the rest of my family. I asked what was going on, but all he said was that they deserved it. After it was all over he and his friends left. I never saw him again…I kept telling my self I’d kill him, but…what would that prove. I’m surprised he didn’t let that guy kill me. I use to tell him to kill me when I was seven.” I told my story and Sasuke seemed astonished.

“Why would you tell him to do such a thing?” Sasuke asked with shocked eyes.

“I have a rare condition. It is actually a curse. I don’t understand why I have it, or where it came from.” I explained.

“What is it?” Sasuke questioned.

“Well…I don’t know how to explain it…but I’ll try. You see I can’t feel my back. Like…it’s actually numb; no feeling what so ever. The only thing I can feel is a consistent sharp pain on the right side of my back every now and then. I don’t know…what to do about it. Everyday it feels like someone is stabbing me in the back…which is kinda ironic.” I told him.

“Hm…” Sasuke grunted.

He looked away for awhile; so did I. It was quiet once again. I heard nothing but the sound of rain drying, the sun shining, the tree swaying, the grass dancing, and the wind conducting it all.

“Wow…” I gasped as I looked out the window. Sasuke turned towards the window and then gave me a questioning look.

“What?” He asked.

“You don’t see it?!” I asked him, more shocked then ever.

“No!” He said disturbed by my reaction.

“It’s a welcoming world…”
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*barfs* So sappy...Excuse my typing xD It's very old.

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