Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Thirteen)

They all gave me weird looks.

“Yeah, a mission. I’ll explain to you on the way!” Naruto said grabbing my hand and dragging me along. All four of us ran to a shelter, after Naruto explained everything.

“What are we doing here?” Sakura asked.

“I don’t know, but he had better hurry up and get here!” Naruto shouted. I looked up at the sky and saw the sun beating down on every single one of us. I began to sweat and I could tell everyone else was suffering as well. I thought about sitting down but something stopped me. I looked down and saw Naruto’s hand still linked to mine.

“Uh, Naruto,” I stated, “um can you let go of my hand?”

He looked down then quickly released my palm and flushed a bright crimson. For some reason I blushed too. I sat down under a tall tree for some shade and Sakura and Naruto joined me.

Hours later Kakashi arrived at last.

“Sorry I’m late. I had to…” he looked at all of our annoyed faces and stopped. He cleared his throat and continued,

“Well, today is our first mission.”

“What is it ranked?” I asked, using the information Naruto had told me.

“It is a D ranked mission.” He stated. Naruto groaned in disbelief and Sakura looked annoyed. Sasuke didn’t have any kind of expression on his face.

“What is it?” Sakura asked.

“We will be walking dogs. Or should I say you’ll be walking dogs. Tell the owner you’re team seven, goodbye!” With that said Kakashi disappeared in a gust of smoke. We all sighed at the same time and walked in.

All the dogs ran up to us at the same time. Jumping up and down trying to get each and every one of our attention. I picked up the smallest one and walked to the front desk, and the others followed me.

“Hello, we’re team six.” I said proudly.

“No, were team seven…idiot.” Sasuke corrected me.

“Oh…yeah that’s right.” I uttered with a chuckle.

“Oh yes, team seven. We’ve been waiting for you to show up. Please pick out your dogs and get started. They’ve been itching to go outside all day.” The manger clarified to us. I had already picked mine out, a small husky, and put a leash on him. Sasuke picked out a border collie, Sakura choose a russell terrier. Naruto, on the other hand, selected a massive saint bernard. It was so big he had to use a chained leash. We all walked out and started our stroll. Naruto was getting dragged, and I couldn’t help but laugh. After the walk was over Naruto had bruises all over. We all walked back in, dropped off the dogs, and left. I came out with my husky and a smile.

“What’s wrong with his eyes?” Naruto asked looking down at the pup.

“The right one is red and the left one is onyx. He was born like this.” I explained.

“Hello,” Someone said from behind.

“AHH!” Naruto, Sakura, and I cried as we all turned around.

“We have a c ranked mission for tomorrow.” The stranger, who turned out to be Kakashi, stated.

“Really?!” Me and Naruto asked with excitement.

“You all should prepare tonight and we’ll all meet at the gates tomorrow; I’ll explain then. See ya!” He finished and disappeared again. Sasuke sighed and walked away, with Sakura not too far behind him. Naruto waved good bye to me and made his way to Ichiraku’s.

I walked around the village, still holding my new puppy, and saw Shikamaru.

“Hey Shikamaru.” I caught his attention. I walked over to him and he was at some weird board.

“Hey…are you playing mahjong?” I asked sitting down.

“No, it’s called shougi. Have you heard of it?” Shikamaru questioned.

“Uh, actually…no…could you teach me?” I asked with a smile. He sighed and nodded. After a few hours I got it. And the first time I actually went against Shikamaru, I won.

“You beat Shikamaru?” some guy with a cigarette asked me in awe.

“Yeah, but I’m sure it was just dumb luck.” I told him uncomfortable.

“This is my sensei, Asuma.” Shikamaru explained.

“Uh, nice to meet you…um. Can I ask you a question?” I asked with a nervous smile.

“Sure.” Asuma said with a returned nervous smile. I stood up and snatched the cigarette out of his mouth, which seemed to surprise him.

“WHY ARE YOU SMOKING?! YOU HAVE STUDENTS TO TEACH! YOU COULD KILL SOMEBODY AND YOU COULD KILL YOURSELF! I KNOW I JUST MET YOU BUT I CAN’T JUST SIT HERE AND WATCH YOU COMMET SUICIDE!” I threw the cigarette to the ground and stepped on it. Surprisingly Shikamaru laughed, and Asuma gave me a look. I calmed down and picked my husky up.

“Bye, Shikamaru…Asuma…” I said walking away,

“And you had better not light another cigarette!” I hollered back.

I got deeper into the forest and closer to my house. My dog started whimpering as we continued to walk. I heard something in a nearby tree and quickly looked up. Someone jumped down right in front of me causing me to fall to the ground. I looked up and saw Neji. I quickly stood and scratched the back of my head, embarrassed.

“Oh, it’s just you. You frightened me.” I stated.

“Yeah, well Gai-sensei told me to escort you to your house so you won’t get hurt.” Neji explained.

“Well, that was nice of him.” I told him with a smile.

“Hmmm, whatever.” He said as he continued to walk beside me. We arrived at my house, probably twenty feet away, and he turned around and left.

“Bye, Neji! Thanks!” I called out to him. All I got was a “Hn” and a raise of his left hand. I walked into my house, locked the door, and started setting up a bed for my new dog, Kakashi!
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This one has a bit of length to it....

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