Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Fourteen)

I woke up to the bright sun and the loud bark of Kakashi. I ran downstairs to see what was going on, and saw Kakashi barking at the door. I opened the door and saw a package that read: “To Unumi Naomi, From the Third Hokage” I smiled to myself and brought it inside. I sat on the couch and ripped it open. I gazed at my fresh, clean, brand new…forehead thingy?

“Oh! This is one of those things ninjas wear…cool?” I said to myself. I put it on in many different styles. Like Kakashi, like Sakura, and like Shikamaru, but they never looked right on me. I ended up with it on my forehead like Naruto and Sasuke. I put on a purple sleeveless shirt on with unattached black sleeves on my arms. I put some black shorts on and walked out the door. I got about three inches from the house before Kakashi started barking again. I went back and opened the door to Kakashi’s happy face. He had my new kunai in his mouth. I picked him up and took the, now drenched, kunai out of his mouth. I locked my door and continued walking. Kakashi kept sniffing the air and whimpering; I didn’t know what was wrong with him.

I arrived at the gates of Konoha and saw Sasuke.

“Hey, Sasuke! Good morning!” I said cheerfully; I was a real morning person.

“Hmp…” He said silently, but loud enough so I could hear. Soon after Sakura came and said morning to Sasuke…and…pretty much ignored me.

Finally, Naruto came and soon after he came Kakashi-sensei came with some old guy. Kakashi-sensei was talking about the mission and stuff but, I was not listening at all. I heard, “something, something, something, bridge, something.” When it comes to big discussions like that I tend to drift into my happy place.

They stopped talking, at last, and started walking. I was in the back, Kakashi in front of me, the old guy in front of him and then the rest of my team. I felt relax because I was in the back, but that didn’t last long because it was scorching hot! You could see the sweat on all of our faces. I kept to myself on the way there until something caught my eye. A puddle. I was wondering, why would there be a puddle here?

So I went to ask Kakashi- sensei.

“Kakashi-sensei? Did it rain last night?” I asked looking frightened.

“No, I’m afraid not.” He said with a serious look in his eyes.

“Should I be scared?” I asked, even though I was already scared.

“Just keep your guard up, and stay on your feet.” He said walking ahead. I took another look at the puddle as it drifted off into the distance. Soon it disappeared with a puff of smoke and my heart pulsed. I tried to stay calm but…

I was scared indeed.
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If my memories serves me well...this is how the episode began.


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