Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Fifteen)

I scooted up to the old man we were escorting and smiled. He gave me a, “what do you want” look, but I didn’t say anything.

I saw Kakashi, my dog, run behind so I quickly went back. I picked him up and the grasshopper he had captured leaped away. Suddenly I heard Sakura scream! I quickly turned around and saw some freaks attacking my team! Kakashi-sensei was gone so this was my moment to prove myself! I dropped Kakashi and told him to run ahead. He ran pass to whole mess with a smile and I ran to help my team. One of the guys were about to get Naruto, but I ran to him and pushed him out the way. He and I both fell to the ground. I stood up and looked at him; he had a horrified look on his face. I ignored it and went to help Sasuke. He looked like he knew what he was doing, but I doubt it highly. I was about to run in front of Sasuke, but Kakashi-sensei came and saved the day. I was wiped out! And I didn’t do anything. I looked at the ground and saw blood all over. I felt liquid sliding down my leg. I looked at it and saw blood; my blood. I passed out in a pool of my own blood.

At last I woke up. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a lady wiping the blood off my face with a cloth. I quickly pooped up and looked around. I was in somebody’s house?

“Take it easy.” She said with a smile.

“Where am I?” I asked her. She explained the whole situation to me and I nodded in understanding. I told her I had to go outside and train with my team, but she protested,

“You need to stay and rest! Did you know that you whole back was exposed? Some parts you could even see your bones!” My eyes widened in shock. She stood up and left me sitting on the floor. I was all bandaged up, but I couldn’t feel a thing! I arose after awhile and walked out the room. I saw a little kid with a hat and a mad face. He looked up at me and I put my finger to my mouth to tell him not to tell. And I walked out the door.

I found Kakashi-sensei and my team in the forest, about to leave. Luckily, they noticed me.

“Naomi, do you feel better?” Kakashi-sensei asked with a worried smile. I smiled wide and nodded.

“Well, since you’re here, we can teach you how to focus your chakra.” He said smiling.

“What’s…chakra?” They gave me weird looks.

“You don’t know what chakra is, and you’re wearing that necklace?” Sasuke questioned in disbelief. I looked at the necklace I had on, even though I never really noticed it.

“Oh, this? I always wear this, but I never knew what it meant. My grandmother gave it to me.” I explained.

“Well, chakra is like energy. It…” Kakashi-sensei was cut off by Sakura.

“Actually, Kakashi-sensei, it’s like…” She was cut off also.

“I’m trying to make it easier for her, Sakura.” I heard him whisper to Sakura.

“So, basically I’m focusing my chakra to my feet…that’s how I run up the tree?” I stated putting the pieces together.

“Uh…yeah…” Kakashi-sensei uttered. “try it out.” He finished. I gave him a freaked out look, and then one directed to Naruto. He returned the look and then finally got it. He quickly showed me the hand sign thingy and I nodded. I copied his actions and tried to focus. As I was doing so my necklace started glowing bright green.

“Naomi, your eyes!!” I heard Naruto yell to me. I ignored everything around me and continued to focus. Finally, I finished and attempted to run up the side of the tree. As soon as my foot touched it the bark pushed in and broke, and I fell backwards and onto my head.

“Well, that sucks…” I moaned in pain.

“Idiot, you use too much chakra.” Sasuke mocked me.

“Well, how was I suppose to know?!” I barked at him.

“Heh, maybe we should come back tomorrow, you know, to get some rest.” Kakashi-sensei suggested.

“That’s okay, I’ll stay back here. I’ve been resting all day.” I protested.

“But it’s getting dark.” Sakura informed me.

“Yeah, and it’s almost time to eat!” Naruto said, clearly telling me he was hungry.

“No, I’ll stay. I need to practice some more.” I told them. They nodded and walked away. As they walked I did the hand sign and tried to focus again. This time I thought it was enough, but I was wrong. I didn’t get a good grip and fell back.

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La La La...Chapter 15...We are...almost there...

I lied, but whateva...

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