Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Seventeen)

I woke up and stretched. I yawned for awhile and then tried to focus my eyes. I looked around and saw Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei! I quickly got up and picked Kakashi up. I walked out and tried to go into the room I was suppose to be sleeping in, but it was locked!

“Sakura! Sakura! Wake up and come unlock the door!” I kept on hollering but she didn’t wake up. I looked at my watch and saw it was three o’clock! I finally gave up with a sigh and walked back to the guys’ room. I quickly took off Sasuke blanket and slowly took the pillow from under his head, because he was the closest. I went to a corner, set Kakashi down by me, and went to sleep for the second time.

I woke up again at a descent time seven o’clock and noticed no one was in the room. I walked down stairs and saw everyone gathered around the table.

“I see someone slept in.” Sakura stated.

“I don’t wanna hear anything from you! It’s your fault I couldn’t get into the room.” I barked at Sakura. She was about to retaliate but Sasuke spoke.

“Please do not start fighting this early in the morning. I didn’t get any sleep.”

“Why Sasuke-kun?” Sakura asked with hearts in her eyes.

“It was cold…” He stated glaring at me as I sat down. I laughed nervously as I picked up my fork.

After we ate I got dressed and walked outside. I heard my team asking me where I was going, but I ignored them. Soon I heard Kakashi charging behind me, barking. I soon stopped at a tree and quietly sat. Kakashi rested his head on my lap and I just looked out to the scenery. I then heard something behind me. I turned around and was knocked out.

Later, I opened my eyes slowly and found myself in a lake. I sat up and was dragged to the bottom almost in an instant. I swam up and hopped out. I looked up and saw Sasuke fighting some girl with a mask. I quickly took out the kunai I “purchased” and ran to him. As a kunai was about to hit him I knocked it out of the way with mine, surprisingly. Sasuke seemed shocked to see me.

“Crystal ice mirrors!” I heard the girl command. Soon we were both stuck in place that looked like the fun house at the fair.

“You should’ve stayed hidden.” Sasuke snapped at me.

“What?! I wasn’t hiding!” I snapped back. I then saw probably a thousand pointy things come towards us. I quickly tripped Sasuke and he fell. I was then struck with all of the objects very rapidly. Finally it stopped and I hit the ground hard. I couldn’t hear a thing; all I could see was a scared look on Sasuke’s face and him mouthing my name franticly. Then finally I passed out…am I dead?
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I'm tired of editing these things, it the way it is...

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