Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Twenty)

Warning: A Little Long

And saw…nothing. I didn’t open it; I instantly closed it.

“Aren’t you gonna open it?” Sasuke asked surprised.

“Nope, I’m gonna save it. And the next time I’m mad at you, I’ll open it to make me smile…unless it’s a joke…” I said ending with a glare.

“No, it’s not a joke…” Sasuke confessed with a slight smile. I smiled back and stood up from the porch.

“Are you coming in?” I asked still smiling. Almost in an instant his smile vanished.

“Nope…why would I want to hang out with a bunch of losers?” He gave that rude rhetorical question and walked away.

“Hmp…JERK!” I yelled to him with a minor smile.

The night came and went and as the last person left I locked the door and hit the couch. I tried to stay awake to enjoy the day, or what was left of it, but I fell asleep. Suddenly, I heard a loud knock in my dream so I promptly woke up. I went to the door, sleepy-eyed and still in night-wear, and opened it slowly. It was Kakashi-sensei and some weird guy with a huge scar on his face.

“Ohayo, Kakashi-sensei…strange man I never met…” I greeted the two obvious senseis.

“Ohayo, Naomi. This is Iruka-sensei. He has to discuss something with you.” He explained as I shook the stranger’s hand. They both walked in and Iruka-sensei sat on the couch across from me, but Kakashi-sensei stood.

“Ok, now do you know why everyone is…more experienced then you?” He asked right away. I looked at him wide-eyed and then answered in another question,

“Ano…is it because they’ve been…a ninja longer than me?” He nodded.

“Yes, and also they’ve been to the academy and learned the things you should already know.” I thought a lot while talked.

“I’ve been to the academy!” I protested.

“You have?” Both of the senseis asked.

“Yeah, I learned a lot of stuff.” I said proudly with a smile.

“Then, you wouldn’t mind fighting Sakura to show me what you learned?” He asked standing up.

“No, I don’t mind!” I said cheerfully standing up also.

“Okay, I’ll go get Sakura. Be right back.” He promised with a smile and disappeared. As soon as he vanished I panicked,

“Oh my gosh! I can’t do this! I’m a minor! Sakura is like the guru of…being smart! I haven’t gone to the academy! I went to the academy of music and arts! And now I’m never gonna be a shimobi or hang out with my friends ever again!!” It was silent for awhile…until Kakashi-sensei spoke,

“Uh…it’s shinobi…” He corrected me. I gave him an annoyed glare.

“Why did you lie?” He asked as my glare disappeared.

“Because I really wanna be a ninja…” I stated with sad puppy dog eyes.

“Well, that’s the first step: determination.” That statement Kakashi-sensei made had made me smile. Soon Iruka-sensei returned with Sakura looking very uncomfortable.

“You ready, Naomi?” He asked kinda excited. I nodded and Sakura and I both got in positions.

We both stared at each other uncomfortably about to start.

“Now Naomi, I want to see all you can do.” Iruka-sensei said with a smile. I nervously nodded and got ready.

“Don’t worry…I’ll help you…” I heard someone behind me whisper. I quickly turned around and saw no one. I turned back to Sakura and she ministered a weird look to me. I nervously scratched the back of my head and got in fighting stance.

“Just stay focused on her…and leave it all to me…” I heard the voice again. This time I didn’t bother to look. I could handle what ever was going on.
“Begin!” Iruka-sensei order and we started.

“Go…” The voice uttered. Sakura ran straight to me and I quickly kicked her back, but in her place was a log and she kicked me to the ground from behind.

“It’s my turn…”The voice said as I lost all feeling in my body. It wasn’t just my back. My body jumped up quickly and did some weird things with my hand, hand signs as I learned, and I disappeared. I was now in a tree above Sakura! What is going on?! I jumped down on top of her. She was on the back and I had my foot, standing up, on her stomach. My controller forced me to smirk and then I was back in control.

“That was amazing, Naomi…” Kakashi-sensei said perplexed.

“Well, you proved me wrong. Congratulations, Naomi Unumi.” Iruka-sensei applauded me and disappeared. Sakura stood, dusted herself off and shook my hand.

“Good job! I didn’t know you had it in you!” She phrased and walked away.

“Naomi…” Kakashi-sensei stated.

“I don’t know what came over me! I don’t know what it was! It kept on talking to me! And then I couldn’t control myself! And…” Kakashi-sensei cut me off,

“I knew something was wrong when your eyes turned green every time you use chakra. I also looked up your clan after Sasuke told me about what happened when you were eight.” My jaw dropped,

“WHAT?! He told you?! That BAKA!!”

“That’s beside the point. I also looked you and your brother up. He has a father…you don’t.” He told me.

“Yeah, my mother was a virgin when she had me, but she said she couldn’t handle me alone so she got married to my stepfather who already had a son, my stepbrother…” I broke it down for him. He nodded and thought for awhile so I continued,

“My mother and I are apart of the Unumi clan. My stepfather and stepbrother are from the Jimukooru clan….” I was quiet as he thought, because I didn’t know what was going on.

“Hatoha…” He barely uttered.

“That’s your middle name right?” He asked a bit louder.

“Yeah…” I nodded.

“Hatoha means soft liner; dove.” He explained. I nodded with wide eyes.

“NAOMI!” I heard someone holler my name. Kakashi-sensei and I turned to the noise and saw a boy covered in blood…
♠ ♠ ♠
*yawn* Yay! Twenty!

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