Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Twenty-One)

The boy flashed a quick smile and then ducks his head; as he did so a kunai flew above it. He didn’t seem too concerned at the time.

“Here, here, here, take it!” He demanded handing me something and running passed me. It was a note of some sort. After he ran passed me a group of men went after him.

“I DIDN’T DO IT!!” I heard him plead as he ran into the distance. I opened the letter and it read: “Hey sis! You probably think I’m a weirdo or something, but I assure you, I just wanted to talk. I wrote this before hand just in case I would get into some kind of trouble. I did of course…why am I rambling?! Anyway, we will see each other again, but I expect you to become a Jounin! So work hard and ask your sensei for all the help you need, okay? Well, bye! I’ll keep in touch!
--Your Brother Dai!
P.S.-I’m watching you! Don’t think just ‘cause I’m not there you can act up! J/K” I finished the letter and a smile rolled across my face.

“Do you mind?” Kakashi-sensei asked with his hand out.

“Not at all.” I handed him the letter and he began to read it. He made some intrigued grunts now and then and then finally finished the letter.

“Your brother has very high expectations for you, don’t you think?” He commented.

“Yeah, but he’s always been like that. But I have a question.” I replied.

“What’s that?” He cross-examined.

“What’s a Jounin?” I questioned feeling dumb.

“I’ll explain on the way.” Kakashi-sensei told me walking away.

“Where are we going?!” I grilled him catching up.

“You’ll see.” He replied still walking.

He had explained everything to me; the Chunin exams, being a Jounin, what a Hokage was, everything! We finally arrived at a clearing in the forest where Neji, Ten-Ten, and Rock Lee were training with Gai.

“Ohayo, all!” I said cheerfully.

“You only say that when it’s morning, Naomi.” Neji harshly corrected me.

“Oh…sorry, I’m still learning.” I retaliated, embarrassed.

“What do we owe this youthful visit?” Gai asked with a sparkling smile.

“Well, I’ve noticed that Naomi is some what like Lee.” Kakashi-sensei stated.

“What?!” I rudely outburst.

“Yes, you don’t know any jutsus, you can’t run very fast, but you do use taijutsu a lot.” He explained.

“Taijutsu is….” I asked not finishing my sentence.

“Well, it’s basically kicking and punching.” Ten-ten informed me as Lee’s face fell.

“Oh, I understand.” I said with a smile.

“So, I brought you here to train with Gai and Lee.” He ended at last.

After the real explanation of taijutsu we began training. It was really hard, but I finally was very good. I couldn’t run as fast as Lee though, but fast enough. After that Ten-ten taught me how to use my kunai properly. She also gave me a few shurikens and taught me how to chuck them. When she explained it the first time I continued to laugh at the word “chuck”, heh. I learned so much that day my head began to hurt. It was finally Kakashi-sensei’s turn to teach me something, but we were interrupted by an angry Naruto.

“Why are you always training her?! She’s not the only member in this team!” Naruto demanded answers.

“Oh good! I need a break! Bye!” It was a chance I had to take. As soon as Kakashi-sensei got distracted I was off.

I ran over to Ichiraku’s. I sat down and just rested my head on the table. I heard someone sit beside me and I peeked at the person with one eye. The first thing that caught my eye was a puppy! I didn’t wanna be rude and pick it up without permission, but the dog jumped into my lap. It started licking my face and I began to laugh.

“Akamaru…” The boy uttered. The pup jumped back to its obvious owner.

“Sorry, I probably smell like serious dog, no wonder he came to me.” I explained.

“It’s alright. So you have a dog?” The boy asked.

“Yep, a husky named Kakashi! He’s really cute and very smart.” I stated proudly.

“Ahem…” I heard behind me. I looked and saw Kakashi-sensei.

“Oh…hi…” I greeted nervously.

“You have a lot more training to do.” He told me.

“I do? Okay Kakashi-sensei…” I followed him with a sigh.

“Her dog is her sensei?!” He asked himself rattled. I laughed as I walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dai, Dai, Dai!


Go on! DAI!

((You first))
Home improvment <_< >_>

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