Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Twenty-Four)

I kept on walking, by myself, just thinking. Then I heard some battle noises and an object hitting another object. I looked and saw a small girl with eyes like Neji.

“I…have….to train…harder!” The small girl said to herself pulverizing the tree.

“Uh…excuse me…” I said stepping a bit forward. She seemed very startled at the time, but calmed herself down.

“Oh, I’m s-sorry…I-I didn’t know…know anyone was here….” She said quietly.

“No, I’m sorry that I startled you…I’m Naomi Unumi by the way” I stated smiling wide like Naruto.

“I-I’m Hinata Hyuuga…” Hinata introduced shaking my hand.

“So, do…” I was cut off by Sasuke.

“Kakashi-sensei said you should go straight home to get your rest. What are you still doing out here?” I rolled my eyes and stated,

“Whatever, I can handle myself, kiss up. Plus, Hinata and I are strong enough to take anyone down, right?” She blushed and looked down to the ground.

“I don’t care, Kakashi-sensei told me to keep an eye on you. I can’t do that if you’re dead.” He spoke harshly.

“You aren’t my legal guardian! I don’t need your help, nor do I want your sympathy!” As I talked I felt an argument coming on.

“I’m not in the mood to argue, Naomi.” He said calmly.

“Neither am I!” I yelled.

“Why don’t you just shut up and go home, quietly!?” He hollered at me.

“Why don’t you go back to your girlfriend!?” I hollered back.

“Why don’t YOU go back to where you came from!?” He harshly barked.

“BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE ANYWHERE ELSE TO GO!” I stormed off with that last sentence.

I stomped threw town, not knowing where I was going. I turned the corner into an alley and realized I was lost.

“UUUUAAAGH!” I hollered at myself and punched the wall, expecting to be in pain, but not feel anything. I just saw a huge hole and a very shocked old man.

“Sorry…” I uttered nervously and ran. I ran out of the alley and towards the forest again. I looked back to see if anyone was following me, but no one was in site. I slipped on something and fell on top of something or someone…
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