Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Twenty-Seven)

I ignored the constant talking in my head and tried to talk pass it.

“So who was that guy who pulled me in?” I questioned with an emotionless face.

“I don’t know, but Kakashi-sensei took him somewhere…” Sakura explained. I made an intrigued grunt and it was silent for a while. They all gave me concerned looks.

“Are you okay, Naomi?” Sakura asked me with the same look.

“Yeah, you seem outta whack!” Naruto exclaimed.

“I’m-I’m fine…” I protested as tears tried to come out. I used every bit of power to hold those tears back, but they began to stream down. I used my arm to cover them but it was useless, they had already seen me cry.

“Naomi!” Naruto reached for me but I forcefully pulled away.

“I’m fine! I just…I just need to…I just need to think!” I hollered running home.

“Yes…run home…no one else will understand you…run…”

“SHUT UP!” I yelped clutching my head and leaning up against a nearby tree.

“Please…please stop…” I begged.

“Naomi…” I looked up to the voice and saw Sasuke.

“GO AWAY!” I demanded him shutting my eyes.

“What is wrong with you!?” He asked taking a step forward.

“I SAID GO AWAY!!” I pushed back as I yelled.

“Go ahead…push him…just like you pushed Dai to kill the only family that loved you…”

“Leave…Me…ALONE!” I kept hollering and I saw Sasuke taking a few steps closer.

“Don’t push him away! He can help! So can Kakashi!”

“They don’t understand you…they never will…you’re all alone…all alone…”

“I’m all alone…” I repeated as I slid to the bottom of the tree.

“Naomi…” He said once again. He reached out to me but I pushed his hand away.

“GO AWAY!” I yelled again. I then got up and ran off.

“NAOMI!!” I looked back and saw Naruto also. He was catching up really quick; faster than Sasuke at least. I turned back my head and yelled to them

“LEAVE-ME-ALON…” I was cut off by Naruto grabbing me from behind and sitting to the ground with me in his arms.

“Naruto cannot interfere!” Surprisingly both the crow and the dove said that. My eyes shot opened from crying and I broke away from his grasp.

“Naruto! PLEASE! PLEASE…please just…just leave me alone…” I protested and ran off once again. I looked back and saw him sitting there…confused.

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Naomi X Naruto? :D Never know!