Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Thirty-Two)

I stood there smiling to myself with everyone staring at me. I started to notice when I saw everyone was leaving shaking their heads. I nervously laughed and waved good bye to them all.

“Are you sure you are ready, Naomi?” Kakashi-sensei asked, uneasily. I nodded happily. Sasuke made an “hn” Sakura gave me a concerned smile, and Naruto sent me one of his famous grins. I gave Kakashi-sensei a Gai-sensei thumbs up; he rolled his eyes, and sighed as he walked away. Naruto smiled and did the same.

“Bye, Sakura!” I hollered as she left as well.

“Bye!” She responded. I looked over at Sasuke who looked angry.

“Bye…Sasuke…” I said looking slightly at him.

“Hn…maybe I should go with you…” He suggested looking away. I shrugged and started walking, with him not too far behind.

We arrived at my house to a broken down door, and inside a totaled house.

“Oh gosh!” Me and Sasuke ran in and immediately heard something upstairs.

“Heh, ‘bout time you got here!” An unknown voice called from the stairs. A guy in a weird mask ran down the stairs, with a kunai, and lashed it at me. I used my instincts and grabbed the blade. It cut me deep and he pushed even harder, to the point where I let go. He struck again but Sasuke kicked the weapon out of his hands. That gave me the chance to punch his lights out, and I did, but it made my hand throb.

“Ouch…” I moaned looking at my fist.

“Nice jab…” Sasuke complimented? I nodded a bit confused. He crouched down to the intruder and grabbed him by the collar; which woke him up.

“Who are you? And what are you doing here?” He demanded answers.

“It’s none of your business!” He replied.

“YOU MADE IT OUR BUSINESS!” I barked at the home wrecker.

“I got this Naomi…YOU MADE IT OUR BUSINESS!” Sasuke repeated like an ass…

“I came here for my sword…”

“Your sword?” Sasuke and I repeated in unison.

“Yeah! That bitch took it!” He barked, with Sasuke punching him out on good time.

“Yeah! That punk! Calling me a bitch!” I laughed punching the air.

“Naomi…” Sasuke caught my attention, turning around. “did you take his sword?”

“Uh…I found a sword…” I informed looking down.

“What would’ve happened to you if I wasn’t here!?” He raised his voice. I was just about to argue but then I remembered. I ran upstairs, and Sasuke followed. I looked at my room floor in horror…there it was…exactly what I had feared.

I cried myself to sleep that night, but when morning came I was in the zone. I got dressed, after taking a shower and visiting Kakashi’s grave, and walked out the door only to be greeted by my team.

“Are you ready Naomi?” Kakashi-sensei asked, knowing what had happened to Kakashi. I nodded and walked ahead. I didn’t want to be too sad. I’m the shine that glows off the headband of our team, so I decided to smile. It seemed to be like a virus, because the others smiled also.

“Race ya!” I challenged with my famous giggle. I was off! Naruto not too far behind, while Sakura was struggling. Sasuke was talking to Kakashi-sensei. We arrived at the place; where ever we were. I walked ahead and the rest of the team was discussing with Kakashi; which really ticked me off.

“HEY!” I hollered as they all turned around.

“Are we going in or what?” Naruto smiled and went up to my side.

We all walked in and it was crowded.

“wow…” I stated in astonishment. “Hey Everyone!” I yelled to the crowd. My teammates gave me a “wth” look. “Get a good look at this face! Because it’s the face attached to the body, connected to the foot, that’ll be kicking your-” Sasuke and Sakura suppressed my mouth with both of their hands, blocking the rest of my speech. “Heh…over confident are we?” I heard a voice say next to me. I looked up and saw a group of kid with a weird symbol on their headbands.

“Oh hey!” I said casually.

“So, you’re Naomi Unumi? Not much stronger than I thought…” He mocked a bit.

“And who are you?!” I asked outraged.

“I’m Kankuro…that’s Temari…and that’s…Gaara…” Kankuro introduce, thumbing at each of them.

“Nice to meet you all…but I’m way stronger than all of you.” My comment made Kankuro and Temari laugh.

“Don’t be too overconfident Naomi…you are still a rookie…” Sakura warned me.

“You’re right…well it was nice talking to you all, but I plan on becoming a Chunin!” I said my farewells and walked past the bunch. I felt something nudge my shoulder as I walked pass, but I didn’t think anything of it. Suddenly, there was a huge wall of sand in front of me! I immediately knew who it was.

“You seemed a bit sandy to me!” I spoke to the one know as Gaara. He made a quiet

“Hm” and everyone was silently watching.

“Oh! I nudged you didn’t I?!” I stated in realization, and looking back. He glared at me and I smiled back. Sasuke looked like he was about to start something, but I knew he wouldn’t. I can handle myself!

“I’m sorry!” I spoke sincerely. He turned his head back, and the sand returned to the container on his back.

“Thank you, Gaara!” I turned back around also and walked down the rest of the hall way. I had no time for problems; the Chunin exams were starting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Excuse My Cursing.

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Gaara X Naomi? :3