Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Thirty-Six)

I held my neck in pain, weeping like a punk. I looked over at my team; they were all around Sasuke, examining his neck and stuff. I could care less; I got up, balancing myself on my katana, and all eyes were on me. I winced, and tried to talk.

“Where were you guy?” They didn’t say a word, they just cast their eyes away from me; I looked away as well and wiped the tears from my eyes.

“We should find shelter, or something.” I voiced. They nodded, or at least Naruto and Sakura did, because Sasuke passed out. I rolled my eyes and walked ahead of him. I stared straight forward and then looked back. Sakura had one of Sasuke arms over her shoulder, and Naruto had the other. I switch my head forward quickly, but that made me light headed; I staggered.

“Naomi, are you okay?” Sakura asked, concerned.

“I’m fine…” I said; still staggering. I looked up at the sky, and then it began to float away. Then I felt my back hit the ground. My eyes closed peacefully.

I woke up with a towel on my head inside some sort of cave. I sat up and saw my team outside the cave sitting. They all looked distraught. And Sakura’s hair was…short?! How long had I been sleep?! I crawled out of the small cave and sat with them. They all looked at me. I knew I had missed something, because they all were out of breath, a bit, and they were dirtier than before.

“Hey…what happened?” I questioned.

“Nothing.” They uttered in unison. I raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

“Did you guys get a scroll? Or at least two?” I asked, still skeptical.

“We only got one…Don’t you have the first one?” The new Sakura asked.

“I thought--” I stopped, and then I remembered. Orochimaru had tricked me. I did have the scroll.

“Don’t tell me you lost it…” Sasuke voiced. He could make me mad; I had seen his vulnerable side. I tried to remember where I put it; then it hit me. I ran into the cave. I pulled it out of my shirt and smiled; it was the scroll that protected me the second time I was hit by Orochimaru. I came back out.

“At least you didn’t loose it.” Sakura said with a smile. I grinned, so did Naruto.

We made our way to the tower thing. The whole way was silent. I glanced at Sasuke neck. It was on the same side as mine. His looked different than mine. I had looked at mine countless times, but I never really believed it was real until someone else had it. My neck had something that looked like a trigram on it. Sasuke glanced at me, and then took a double take, noticing that I was staring. I blushed and looked away. I saw him “Hn” and look away on the corner of my eye.

We made it to the tower in one piece. We thought we were late, because a whole bunch of teams were already there, and everyone looked at us, surprised. We took our spots and then I saw Kakashi-sensei. It was a relief; I wanted to go up and hug him, but I kept it professional.

“Good, you four made it.” Kakashi greeted. We all nodded a bit sad. Kakashi glared at Sasuke’s neck, and then directed his glare at my neck, and then made an intrigued grunt.

The preliminaries were explained, and Sasuke was up first. I could see the anger in his face. You know the rest, so I won’t explain the rest.

Kakashi took Sasuke somewhere, against his will, then guess who was up next…yep…me…
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