Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Thirty-Eight)

I woke up in a hospital again. I looked around, next to me was Sasuke, and on my other side was Lee. I couldn’t look at Lee; it made me cry. I had actually harm someone in a big way…what was thinking?! That’s just it; I wasn’t thinking at all. Karasu demon…Then, I remembered! The wings! I sat up and tried to see the wings, but they were gone. I had bandages everywhere. I looked over at Sasuke, and he had an air mask thing. Where was my mask thingy? I looked on the ground, and there it was collecting dust. There were also a whole bunch of bloody wires near it. It was like someone had removed me from the room, and then put me back. Before I could think again, Kakashi-sensei came in.

“Are you okay, Naomi?” He asked, clearly concerned. I nodded with a slight smile. He smiled a bit too; then he frowned.

“What…” I asked, hesitantly.

“I have good news, and I have bad news. Which do you want first?” He asked. I was scared, but I blurted out,

“Good!” He smiled.

“You made it through. You are going to the final stage of the Chunin exams.” I grinned. But I still had questions…those could wait.

“But, the bad news is…” He frowned…then smiled again.

“You’ll have to work twice as hard as before.” I wanted to smile wider, but the fact that, I had to train harder made my body ache. I groaned in pain.

“But now…you…and Sasuke…should rest.” He voiced and left the room. I smiled as I lied down in my bed. The only thing that put a frown back on my face was…the fact that Lee didn’t make it…and it was my fault.

I left the hospital and walked down the street, but I kept getting weird looks from everyone. People were looking at my back, mumbling, and laughing. Apparently, someone couldn’t keep there mouth shut. My first suspect was Naruto, but he wouldn’t do that. I finally made it to my house; once again quiet. I looked at the note on the floor. It read: “Training tomorrow. Don’t forget…don’t play sick…--Kakashi-sensei.”

I sighed and sat on the couch, training was soooo boring. The one thing I really wanted to do was go on a mission, but…oh well.
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Short. BUT!

The marathon is OVER!

The next chapter you get is gonna be new. Hot! Fresh!

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