Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Six)

I woke up to the sound of thunder and the flash of lighting. I felt much better. Storm means no training, no training means no teammates, and no teammates means no Sasuke! It was a gonna be a good day, even if it was raining. I popped my old CD into my radio, and I sang along with it.

I finished and looked at the door and saw my team with ran coats and hoods looking at me in awe. I stood there for a while but then said,

“Heh, heh, Hi!” I looked down at myself and saw I only had a big t-shirt on with shorts under.

“Yeah, let me go change.” I went upstairs wondering how they got in my house. I opened my closet and was instantly pulled in. My mouth was covered and I was knocked out.

I fluttered my eyes opened and saw some guy who sort of looked like Sasuke, but older and had a black cloak on. My mouth was covered and I was tied to a tree. I struggled to break free, but the ropes were too tight.

“So you must be Naomi Unumi.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Woah! This originally had the lyrics to an old R. Kelly song, but I took it out. So now it's all extra short. Forgive me.

The song was The World's Greatest.

Keep Reading. Itachi's coming O_O