Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Seven)

I looked at the guy in front of me and realized it was the guy in the forest. He slowly took off the black cloth covering my mouth and looked me straight in the eyes.

“Am I correct?” He stated in a heart melting voice. I took a second to think of his question and then replied with a frantic nod.

“You have a lot of potential. Are you a shinobi?” He threw another question out. “A shino-what?!” I asked.

“I guess that answers it. How do you know Sasuke Uchiha?” He asked yet another question.

“I just met him; unfortunately, fate was not on my side.” I said with an annoyed sigh. He made an intrigued grunt and stood from my eye level. He went behind me and un-tied me. I quickly stood up and dusted myself.

“Itachi!” an unknown voice came from the distance. Itachi and I both looked the same way. We both saw Sasuke. There was a weird light coming from his right hand as he ran towards me and Itachi. Sasuke started aiming at Itachi and he just stood there, so when he got real close I ran in front of Itachi. I don’t know why, but fate pushed me. Sasuke’s hand, actually his finger tips to his wrist, were straight through me stomach! I could barely breathe, and the pain…I couldn’t bare the pain! I glanced at Itachi who was shaking his head, as if to say "fool", and he disappeared.

I glared at Sasuke; who was still in shock. He took his bloody hand out of my stomach and looked at me in horror. I fell to my knees and coughed up blood. I looked up at Sasuke with a sad look on my face.

“You!” I yelled at him.
“You are the reason I’ve been feeling so much pain!” I forced myself to get up, and start walking towards him.

He backed away at each step I took. My face went from sad to hateful.

“You are the reason for my suffering! Coming home everyday to aches and wounds! What have I ever done to you to make me deserve this?!” I shoved him, but he didn’t reply.

“ANSWER ME!” I screamed at him.

“…I-I…” he stammered. All my anger went to my head and I blacked out instantly. While I still had a little bit of sense I heard him whisper,

“I-I’m sorry…”
♠ ♠ ♠

I can practically hear the fangirls scream.

Sasuke haters...bear with me.

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