Me, A Ninja?!

Me, A Ninja?! (Chapter Nine)

My team left as Sasuke came in. He had a serious face on, with a little concern in his eyes.

“Now don’t kill each other, okay?” Kakashi said. It sounded like he was kidding, but he could be dead serious.

Sasuke had a blank expression on his face. Me on the other hand I was at the peak of my glaring.

“So what’s up with you and that Itachi guy?” I finally asked him, with the same glare.

“Why do you need to know?” He questioned me with a now mean look.

“Hm, just wondering.” I stated with a lazy shrug.

“What do you want?” Sasuke stated in a harsh tone.

“I want to know why you attacked me!” I said raising my voice a little.

“I didn’t attack you! You jumped in front of that traitor!” Sasuke practically yelled at me.

“Oh please, I was in front of him long enough to let you know I wasn’t moving and you should stop!” I said getting a bit louder.

“Don’t blame this on me! You protect someone like him you deserved to DIE!” Sasuke finally shouted.

“No one deserves to die!” I got the last word in and it was silent for a while, but I finally spoke in a soft voice.

“No one deserves any kind of pain. That’s why I protected Itachi. What ever he did, what ever relationship you have with him…should only matter for a period of time.” I said, trying my best to sound wise and reach out to him.

“Memories don’t fade…and pain never stops.” Sasuke said with an avenger look on his face. I thought that statement was deep, but I tried not to show it.

“Well Sasuke, I know about more pain than you. Seeing you with no scratches don’t convince me I’m wrong.” I said looking at the “ninja”.

I thought for a while and noticed how Sasuke acted. He acted just like me; well, I acted like that for awhile. And I finally understood his problem. Why he was so ignorant! I gasped at my discovery. I am so smart!

“Sasuke, did Itachi kill your family?!”
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Tired>>>>>=____= Keep Reading...