December Every Day

More Dragging Occurs

Phoebe and Nick didn't seem to have arrived. Mark walked around a little, but everyone seemed to be talking among themselves. He got a few greetings, but the people returned to their former conversations. People probably needed time to get used to the place before expanding into meeting people, he allowed, so maybe tomorrow or something. In the meantime, he decided to look for David again.
He found David quickly enough, sitting on a bench, wearing a large frown. He almost laughed, since he didn't know a frown like that was even possible, but quickly checked himself. It was impolite. He leaned over and lightly touched David's shoulder. David jumped, knocking his head into Mark's jaw. "Ouch."
"Sorry, are you okay?" David looked up. "Oh, hi."
"Yeah, I'm okay. Are you?"
"What? Yeah, I'm fine." David smiled a brilliant but very fake smile.
"I doubt that, but I'll leave it. Come on, you should do something besides sit on that bench. It's a nice bench, but there are far more interesting things to do, and you've just arrived, you know."
"Yeah, I know." David glared slighly. Mark grabbed his arms and began dragging him.
"Come on, let's go."