
llusion 3

Illusion {3}

"Dad you're kidding right?""No Aiden I'm not,what's the problem?"
I stood up and raised my voice,"What's the problem?!?!What's the
problem?!?! You went away for 2 WEEKS and you went off,
and got married!!! Not to mention you got a whole new family too!!!"
Before he could reply, I stormed out the front door,jumped in my
car and drove away as fast as I could. The whole time I was driving
I couldn't help but yell aloud,every curse word in the book.Those
people were NOT my family, they were the exact opposite of us,
I mean just look at them!!All blonde and all preppy!!Whereas
we all have black hair and are ANYTHING but preppy!!This was
hell,he must have been joking.Just as I started to cry, I saw Blake
following close behind me in his car.He almost always took my
side when dad and I were fighting,but he ALWAYS followed me
when I left, he worries about me so much.I couldn't think of anyplace
but the mall, I wanted to go back to, it was getting dark,but the mall
stayed open 24/7 since it's so close to Vegas. My eyes were blurry
from all the tears and I almost missed the turn,for the entrance into
the mall.There weren't many cars here now, or at least it wasn't as
crowded as it was earlier,but I parked way in the back,and Blake
pulled up next to me.I turned off the car and just sat there for a moment,
and I heard Blake's car door shut,and I knew he was gonna come over to
my driver's side window any moment,so,like I did earlier,I dried
my tears, to try and hide my crying from Blake.My door opened
and Blake took me by the hand and helped me out of my car,and
instead of letting me go,he put his arms around me and hugged me.
This made me start crying again,but I stopped when I fell something
wet hit the top of my head. I looked up and Blake was crying too.
I had never seen him cry before,or at least since we had become teenagers.
He was n't looking at me when I looked up, so I just buried my face
into his chest."Why would dad do something like this to us,Blake?"
"I don't know." I started thinking about how he was crying, so I
suggested that we go to the food court,and get some dinner.He just
nodded and we both began walking towards the mall,with our
arm around each other.Some people thought it was strange,at how
we acted.Many people pointed out that we acted more like
boyfriend/girlfriend instead of brother and sister,and we always
replied with making the point that we were very close to each other
so it didn't matter.As we walked through the doors, I saw something
that made me instantly happy. It was my best friend Bella.I knew
that she hadn't seen me yet, so I told Blake my plan of hiding
behind his back while he walked up to her and started to talk to her,
so that I could scare her. It made him happy to be in on my fun,
so he agreed, and looked more like the normal happy brother, I knew.
He has broad shoulders because he works out alot, so it makes it
very easy for me to hide behind him.We walked up to Bella.
"Hi Bells.""Hi Blake!Wat's up?""Not much you know, just escaping
home for a while.""Oh,where's Bella?I don't think I've ever seen you
two apart.""I'm not sure, she must be around here somewhere.", he
said turning around and revealing that I was behind him."Oh my
God!!!"she yelled when she saw me, because we haven't seen each other
in a few months. I ran up and hugged her."You're starting to take after
you're dad more and more with those tricks.""Ugh..." I said as I
made a disgusted face."What happened Aiden?"she said,looking
from me to Blake and back."I'll explain it over dinner."We all got
our food and sat down.Bella listened to me as I explained from the
very beginning, all that had happened that day.At the end, her mouth
just dropped open, and she stared at me."You're kidding me, right?"
"That's what I asked my dad,but he said he wasn't.""Aw, guys I'm
so sorry.How could he do this to you both?""I don't know,we can't
figure it out."Blake got up and threw his trash away,so Bella and I
followed.We all decided on going to Spencers, since Bella had
just come from Hot Topic,and we went there earlier.Spencers
was on the other end of the mall,so it was a long walk to get there.
As we were leaving the food court, I suddenly heard "Mindfreak"
, the theme song for my dad's show start playing,and I knew it was
my ringtone. I looked at my phone,it was my dad. I just pressed a
button on the side of my cell to make the ringtone stop, put it back
in my pocket and ignored it."Dad?"Blake said as he glanced in my
direction."Yeah, it was."All of the sudden, Bella stopped."I just had
the greatest idea!"she said."What?" Blake and I said in unison.
"Well, a friend of mine is having a party tonight, his dad owns
one of the casinos in the city and he's having a huge party at his
house tonight, do you wanna go?"Blake and I turned and looked at
each other. Despite all the crazy things we had done, we had never
gone to a party without dad knowing about it, because he was cool
about us going places like that, as long as we were together,he didn't
care.Just like Blake was reading my mind, he said,"Well it should
be alright as long as we are together,and plus he probably doesn't
care anyway since he has his new family to help move in.""Wait,
how do you know they're moving in?""I saw a bunch of boxes on
the side of dad's car."I felt even worse now, knowing that they were
not leaving."Fine then let's go."We all turned around and began
heading for the parking lot. I didn't even realize that I was running,
and that I was leaving Blake and Bella far behind me.I reached my
car just as they were coming out of the mall. I stood leaning
against my car, and spent a few moments trying to catch my breath.
I popped the trunk and reached in the built in cooler in the floor
of my trunk, and pulled out a bottle of water. I never had to worry
about ice in the cooler because it was basically cooled by a cooling
system,rather than ice.Blake came up and pulled out a Mountain Dew.
I saw that Bella had stopped halfway and had gotten in her Saturn Sky
and was parking next to us.She got out and got herself a Coke.
"Well are you both ready to go or what?""I guess so."I said,
closing the trunk and getting into the car.I cranked it up, just as Blake
was getting into his car."We'll follow you Bells!"I yelled out of my window.
She pulled out of the mall entrance and turned onto the highway,
heading straight for Vegas. I started to think about our dad, and
how he might have been worried about us, if THEY weren't there,
but it just made me angry and gave me the reassurance that going
to this party would be only part of the revenge I was going to get on him...
♠ ♠ ♠
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