
Illusion 4

Illusion {4}

The drive was about 20 minutes long, and the whole time Blake
stayed close on my bumper, I think he knew that I wasn't paying
as much attention to my driving as I normally would.I could see
through Bella's back window that she was on her cell, talking
to someone.We pulled up to the front gates of the house and Bella
pressed the button on the call box to tell whoever was operating the
doors who we were. The gates opened and we drove up the long driveway
leading to one of the biggest mansions I had ever seen. Bella said
that the guy was rich, but damn! It looked almost twice the size of ours
,and ours has over 100 rooms! We pulled around back and parked.
There was a huge party going on in the house and some out back.
There we so many cars here it looked like the mall had earlier today.
We got out and I looked at Blake, he looked shocked at the house and
the number of people that were here.I walked over to him."Bigger than ours."
"No kidding."Bella finished her phone conversation and came over to us
standing by Blake's car."Well, are you gonna come in or not?I've got
a guy to meet,and I think he's gonna ask me out.""Is that who you
were talking on the phone with the whole drive up here?""Maybe."
she said with a smile."Come on Bells, wat's his name?""Gerard."
"Ok, well then you go meet up with Gerard and Blake and I will
catch up with you in a little while.""Ok." she said as she turned and
headed for the back yard.I turned to Blake,"Are you sure that
you're ok with this?""Yeah, why not, it's not like dad cares about
us now anyway.""You were thinking the same thing too huh?"
"Well we are twins, so it's not so shocking."I smiled and we both
turned and started walking towards the backyard.I quickly spotted
Bella talking to some guy by the pool, and I could easily guess that
he was Gerard.All of the sudden I heard Blake say something under
his breath."What did you say Blake?""I can't believe it. She's here."
I looked in the direction that Blake was staring,and I saw Carrie
sitting quietly by herself in a lawn chair towards the privacy fence
in the back."Go talk to her.""I can't.""Oh come on Blake!She gave
you her number, so obviously she likes you,so what do you
have to be afraid of?""I don't know....""Fine then, I'll come with
you and introduce you both, but then you're on your own."
"Fine."We walked across the lawn until we were standing right
in front of her."Hi Carrie!""Oh hi Aiden, wat's up?""Not much,
we just got here.What are you doing here?""Accually this
is my brother, Gerard's party.""Oh that's so cool. So you live
here?Why do you work at Hot Topic if you live in a place
like this?""Yeah I live here,but it gets so boring that I took
the job just to get away.""Haha, that makes sense." I realized
that I had forgotten my original mission of introducing Blake.
"Oh by the way, this is my brother Blake.""Hi Blake, it's
nice to finally meet you, I'm Carrie."They shook hands.
"Well I let you two get to know each other, see you later."
I turned and began walking back towards the pool area
so that I could meet up with Bella.When I walked up, she
was talking to the guy, I assumed was Gerard."Oh hi Aiden,
I want you to meet my boyfriend Gerard.""Nice to meet you."
I shook his hand."So Aiden are you enjoying my party?"
"Well I just got here, but it seems pretty cool.""Good.
there are drinks inside if you want one.""Ok thanxs."
I walked around the other side of the pool and into the
open sliding glass doors.As I turned the corner, I bumped
into someone."Oh I'm sorry!"I said just I looked up, and saw
the most gorgeous guy, I had ever seen."No, don't be it was my
fault, I wasn't paying attention."I paniced, so I started to walk off,
but he grabbed my arm."Hi I'm Tristan, what's your name?""Aiden."
I said, I suddenly became very shy."Aiden."he repeated."Allow
me to get you a drink.""Ok."I said.I just stood there, I couldn't believe
what was happening. He came back and handed me a Coke."So Aiden,
what brings you here?""Well I kind of had a rough day, so my friend Bella
told my brother and I about it, so we decided to come."Oh, I'm sorry you
had a bad day.Where's your brother?""It's ok. He's out back talking to a girl,
he's my twin.""Really? Wow that's cool.""Yeah, we are pretty close, but we
don't look that much alike.""I know what that's like,except I have a little sister
that I'm close to, she's 5.""Aw, she must be adorable."He pulled out his wallet
and showed me a picture of the cutest little brown haired blue eyed girl
you have ever seen. They looked a little alike, except he had black hair
and green eyes."Wow, she's beautiful!""She's not the only one."I looked
up at him,and he was staring straight at me.I could feel my face get warm,
and I knew I was blushing. I cleared my throat."So, why are you here?"
"Well, I overheard some guys saying that they were coming to a party tonight,
and since I had nothing better to do, I decided to crash it, I don't know anyone
here,except for you."We sat and talked for a while until I realized that it was close to 2
in the morning."Wow,it's almost 2, I better be going, I need to go find my brother."
"Well I'll help."We got up and went outside. I started laughing when I found him,he
and Carrie had fallen asleep in each others arms.I walked up to him, with Tristan close
behind me.I whispered,"Tristan this is my brother Blake, and my friend Carrie." He
laughed. I shook Blake's shoulder. "Come on Blake, we need to go it's close to 2 in the
morning!"Carrie lifted her head off of his chest and helped me get him up."How long
was I out?"I laughed because he was trying to clear his wavy black hair from his face,
and wasn't succeeding."I'm not sure but we need to go."He turned and gave Carrie a hug.
We started walking to our cars,and I was unlocking my door before I realized that Tristan
was still behind me.I turned to face him."Well I guess this is goodbye.""I guess it is."
he said, looking straight into my eyes. I turned to get into the car,suddenly he grabbed me by
my arm. He spun me around and kissed me. "Goodbye Aiden.""Goodbye."I said, shocked
at what had just happened. He began to walk off, and I yelled after him."Will I ever see you
again?""You can count on it." he said. We smiled at each other and I got in and started my
car.Blake had already started his,and was looking at me from his passenger side window.
"What?" I said. "You know.""You're hilarious,brother."He mockingly let out an evil laugh
and backed up. I followed him down to the gates,and we pulled out. I hoped he knew how
to get home, just before I remembered that we both had GPS on our cars.On the ride home,
all I could think about was Tristan.His face just wouldn't leave my mind,and that kiss!!
I didn't think I had ever had one better.After about a 30 minute drive, we pulled up to the
gates of 'Angel Manor', and to my surprise there were lights on in the house.We got out
an walked in through the front door. The light was coming in from the family room. Just
as I set my foot on the first stair up to my room, I heard a voice call from the other room.
"Blake!Aiden!Come in here!"...

**Banner for chapter 4**
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