
Illusion 5

Illusion {5}

Blake and I looked at each other before slowly making our way into
the family room.For some reason I was looking at my feet when I
walked in,and when I looked up,to my surprise,dad wasn't there.
It was Eliza. "What do you think you're doing staying out this late,
and making your dad worried sick over you both?!?!?!"I was shocked
that this woman,whom I had never said a word to,was already speaking
to us like she was our mother."As long as we are together,dad normally
doesn't care."I said in the most disrespectful tone I've ever used in my life.
"He didn't know where you were,he's been an aweful mess,ever since you
rudely stormed out of here!!!""Well if he had really cared about us,he would
have come after us!!""He tried to!! I wouldn't let him go after his 2 ungrateful
children,because we needed his help here getting settled in!!" I was speechless
at how this horrible and might I say ugly woman had manipulated our dad. I
suddenly felt sorry for what we had done,but I wasn't sorry that I had caused HER
trouble.I was only sorry that we had worried dad so much. I couldn't think of anything
else to say,so Eliza ended the conversation."Now, I'm off to take a shower!! I just thought
I would stay up and tell you all about the heartbreak you have caused your father.He
got so worried that I sent him off to bed!!Now, goodnight!"she yelled as she stormed out
of the room and into the bathroom on the end of the house opposite of our dad's room. I
saw this as our chance to go talk to dad.I turned to Blake,
"I think we need to go and talk to dad."I whispered."I think so too.
"When we were little and wedid something wrong,we always crawled
onto our dad's bed,Blake on one side of him,and me on the other.It
worked most of the time because I would crawl in front of my dad's
face and open my eyes really wide and make a pouty face.No matter
how mad he was at us ,my eyes always made him melt, I think it was
because I had my mother's eyes.We walked upstairs,and opened our dad's bedroom
door as quietly as possible.His bedroom was the biggest in the house,
so it was easy to make a small sound echo.Blake knew that it was
going to take my little trick to help us,so he crawled onto the bed
on the side his back was facing. I crawled right in front of him,staring
him in the face.He opened his eyes,and stared at me back. I was so
afraid that he was going to be mad that my eyes began watering up
with tears.He turned over and looked at Blake,then he turned onto
his back and stared up at the ceiling,and to my surprise,started laughing.
I looked at Blake,and he looked back at me,shocked."Come here."
he said, holding out his arms for each of us to crawl under and lay our
heads on his shoulder.We both did as he asked."We're sorry dad for staying
out so late and not telling you where we were."He held us both,close.
"I'm sorry too for getting married and not telling you."I just stared at him.
"God, you look so much like your mother."He stared at me for a moment
before turning his head towards Blake,and kissed hid forehead."You
know I love you both more than anything in the world.So if you want
me to, I will have another ceremony so that you both can be there."
"What!?!? Dad,you must have heard her yelling at us a few minutes
ago,how can you want to be married to someone like that!!!""Well,
I already am,so you'll just have to make the best of it,and she did
have a good reason to yell at you both.You both had me worried sick,
and if sure it didn't make her first day here,very enjoyable.""You're
kidding right?"Blake said in a quiet tone."No I'm not,now it will
be morning in a few hours, I'm not mad at you,just so long as you
don't do it again.""Ok,but dad..."Suddenly we heard Eliza's footsteps
coming up the long staircase."We'll finish this in the morning.I love you."
"Love you too."Blake and I said in unison,as we quickly we out
through the side door of his room leading into one of the many
secret hallways in the mansion.It ran behind all of the bedrooms,
with our bedroom at the end,passing what we presumed were our
new siblings rooms.As we walked through the hallway behind Kayla's
room,we heard them having a conversation. We stopped and put
our ears to the wall to try and get a better listen."We shouldn't be here
for long.Once she gets ahold of his bank account we'll be rich,
and then we can live anywhere we want to!""Yeah, I just hope it
doesn't take too long, I don't think I could stand living here with
these freaks!"I turned to Blake, mouth open,and even in the dark
I could tell that his was open too. If I had just heard Kayla correctly,
Eliza was planning on stealing everything that our dad had worked
so hard for.We didn't wait to here anymore and quickly hurried to Blake's
room,which was two rooms down.He quietly opened the small hidden door,
and crawled in."Blake,what are we going to do?!?!""I don't know,but we have
to tell dad as soon as possible.We'll talk about it in the morning.""Ok
goodnight,I love you sis.""Love you too."I said kissing him on the cheek,and
closing the door.I walked in the hallway until I can to may room,which is
next door to Blake's. I opened my hidden door which was hidden behind
my long baby blanket,which my grandmother made for me when I was
born. I changed into my black spaghetti strap Sweeney Todd,tank top and
matching black shorts. I did the my nightly routine,and crawled under the covers
of my queen sized bed.I knew that I couldn't fall asleep right away so I turned off
the light on my end table and stared at my ceiling in the dark, trying to reflect
on all of the events that had happened today.My boyfriend broke up with me,
my brother got into a fight with him,Blake met a girl,Dad came home early,
found out that dad got married,stormed out of the house,met Bella at the mall,
went to a party,met Tristan. I stopped. I had almost forgotten about him,and
he wasn't anything to forget about. His smile,his eyes,his face,his kiss...I started
to feel lightheaded at the thought of it,and then I realized that I was smiling.I
wondered if I would ever see him again,and I hoped I would.Now back to my
list. Came home,got yelled at by my evil stepmother,talked to dad,overheard
the evil stepsiblings plotting my family's demise."Damn." I said to myself. It
had been one hell of a day. I started to worry about whether or not dad would
believe us when we told him.If he didn't,then this was going to cause us alot of
problems. What if he did believe us? Would he turn in Eliza to the police?
I wasn't sure,and the whole thing began to give me a headache. I got up and
walked to my bathroom and took an off brand pain reliever.I crawled back
into bed and started thinking those same thoughts over and over. I tried to
shake them off by thinking of Tristan,but nothing helped.The only thing that
did help was the pain pill.They might have been off-brand but they always
put me straight to sleep.I didn't dream that night,I just slept.I woke up suddenly
to Blake knocking my bedroom door,only it was the one from the secret hallway...
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