
Illusion 6

Illusion {6}

I opened my eyes and sat up in bed. "Aiden!" I heard him whisper
at the door."I comin'." I mumbled as I got up and walked across
the room. I bent down and opened the door."What is it,Blake?"
"Dad's already left.He's gone somewhere with Eliza.""What?!What
time is it?""About 10:30.""Wow, that pain pill must have really
knocked me out.Are they still here?"I said pointing to Kayla and
Josh's rooms."Unfortunatly.""Are they still asleep?""I think so."
"Good, I'll meet you at the cars in 40 minutes,and make sure you
lock your bedroom door so they can't come in.""Ok I will."He
disappeared into the black hallway and I shut the door. I took
a quick shower,dried and straightened my long black hair,and did
the usual morning routine. I got dressed into my black "Criss Angel"
logo t-shirt and black "Criss Angel" logo jeans. I loved to wear
my dad's stuff, because I helped design it.I put my cellphone in my
pocket,before locking my bedroom door. Just as I did that,Blake
opened the hallway door."You ready sis?""Yeah,I'm coming."
I quickly bent down and crawled through the opening in the wall.
Not only did this hallway go between our bedrooms,but it led downstairs
and outside,in case of emergency.We carefully walked in the dark,
down the stairs.We crawled out through the opening on the side of the
house and ran to the cars.I got in and quickly fired it up,and sped
down the driveway to the gates, I didn't want the evil step-siblings
to wake up and see us leave. The gates opened and we raced out.
On the drive to the mall, I called Bella and asked her to meet us there.
We eventually pulled into the mall and got our usual parking spaces
in the back.Just as I was getting out of the car,Bella pulled up next to
us."Hi,Bells!You're not going to believe what we..."I stopped,just
as I saw someone get out of the other side of her car.I couldn't believe
my eyes,it was Tristan.He looked straight at me and saw me staring.
"Hi,Aiden."I was stunned."How did you..."Bella explained."Well,
last night after you left,he started asking around for information about
you since,he didn't get your number.I overheard him asking people,
and we got into a conversation about what had happened that night,
so I figured it might be a good idea to bring him along today.
I tried to shake myself out of being shocked,cleared my throat and began
again,"Ok,well then,let's go get some breakfast,and I'll tell you both
what happened last night."As we all started to walk away,Tristan
took my hand,"Hang on a minute." he said,as we watched Bella and
Blake walk on ahead.Suddenly Blake turned around and pretended
like he was laughing at me, so I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed.
He really did start laughing and turned back around.Tristan stepped in
front of me."I'm really glad that I got to see you again,I couldn't stop
thinking about you last night."I could feel my face heat up,and I knew
that I must have been blushing.I looked up into his eyes,"I couldn't stop
thinking about you either."He smiled,before leaning down and kissing
me gently.I smiled. He held my hand as we walked into the food court.
Bella and Blake had already gotten their food,and were sitting down
at a table for four.We both went to Chic-Fil-A and got our breakfast.
I sat down next to Blake and across from Tristan."Ok,so tell me
what happened?",Bella said eagerly.Blake and I both told parts of what happened,
and when we were done,Bella couldn't believe it."No way.",she said.
"Yeah,we couldn't believe it either,but that's what we heard them say."
Tristan,looked a little confused,and then I realized that he didn't know the whole
story,so I told him."You're Criss Angel's daughter?!?!""he exclaimed."Yeah." I
said pointing at my Criss Angel logo necklace,shirt,and pants."Well, I just thought
you liked him alot, I watch his show all the time.""Yeah, I design alot of his merchandise."
"Wow,so you say that he got married and didn't even tell you?""Yep,and on top of all that,
we were gonna tell him this morning what we heard last night,but by the time I woke up,
he had gone somewhere with Eliza.""We've got to get back to your place before they do!"
Bella said, jumping out of her seat.We all stood up and threw our trash away,before
walking out to the parking lot.As I got into my car, I yelled over to Blake."Hey bro!"
"Yeah?""Race ya!"At this he smiled and jumped into his car as quick as possible.Luckily,
I already had mine started and raced off just as Blake hit his gas pedal. I am a natural
show off,like my dad,and this time,I was showing off for Tristan.Dad always says that
I should be a stunt driver,but I like to keep my talent to myself. As we got down the deserted
highway,I looked in my rearview mirror,and saw Blake close in behind me,and then Bella
and Tristan behind him.I hit the button to release nitrous oxide into the car and instantly
pulled away from Blake, I got such a good lead, that I slowed down,and turned my car around.
Another thing dad always said,was that I was world's best backwards driver.I put it in
reverse and sped backwards down the highway, I looked to my left,and I was neck and neck with
Blake, he looked at me, and yelled through his open window. "Show off!" I laughed.
"You know it!" I flipped the car back around going 80,and still managed to beat Blake back to
the house,but only with a 2 second lead. We pulled up in front of the house,and got out."I've never
seen you do that before sis."Blake said as he gave me a look of approval."Thanks"
I looked over at Tristan,and he was staring at me with a smile on his face.Suddenly I
heard the front door open. It was Kayla and Josh."Good morning,freaks!"Kayla said
and Josh snickered behind her back."Good morning to you too,bitch!" I yelled back.
She walked down the steps with Josh close behind her.She walked up to Tristan.
"Well,hello,who are you,and why on earth are you hanging around with these losers?"
she said as she looked him up and down.That was a question I wanted to know the answer to,
except for the 'losers' part.He stared straight at me,and never looked at her once,or answered her.
Then she walked over to Bella."Oh,I see you must have snuck out this morning and got some
other freaks to come and try to scare us."At that,Bella socked her in the face,and she fell flat
on the ground."We're backup,bitch!" she yelled down at her. Kayla's noce was bleeding,and
she was screaming and crying.We all laughed,except for Josh.She really did pick the wrong
person to mess with, since Bella had been taking kickboxing classes for 4 years.Josh helped
pick her up and sat her back up on the steps, before going to get her some ice.Just then
our dad and Eliza came pulling up the driveway in the Lamborghini.We all turned and looked
at them. Eliza jumped out first,because I figured she must have seen Kayla's bleeding nose.
"Oh my God, what happened to my baby?!?!"she exclamed and ran to Kayla's side.
I turned to look at my dad,who had a 'what-did-you-do-this-time' look on his face.
Kayla looked up from her crying,got a smirk on her face and said, "Aiden did it mommy!"
I was mortified,and I thought I felt my heart jump in my throat."What?!Why you little?!"93
"Came down honey.",dad said closing the car door."I want them out of here now!!It's a good
thing we got them that condo this morning!!"she yelled."What?!",Blake and I yelled in unison
before looking at our dad."Yeah,Eliza and I got to talking about it last night,and we figured
it would be best if you both got your own place,so we went out and bought you one,isn't it great?!"
We were both speechless,so dad continued on,"and under the circumstance,I guess you both should
start packing your stuff..."
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