
Illusion 7

Illusion {7}

"Dad,you've got to be kidding me?!?!""What?I thought you both would
like the idea of being out on your own.You can go out when you want,
do what you want,and you don't have to worry about me.""So,you're kicking
us out."Blake said."No,I'm not,but considering the circumstances,I figured
you both would want to get settled in right away."By now,my worry over
what Kayla said,had vanished.I suddenly realized,that Eliza,Kayla,and Josh
had gone inside the house.This was my chance. I ran up to him."Dad,you
won't believe what Blake and I heard in the hall passage last night!!We
overheard Kayla and Josh talking about how Eliza is going to get all your
money and then leave you!!"He paused for a moment and stared at me like I
was joking or something.""Aiden,be serious.""I am!!!"He laughed."Ok,jokes
over,I'm really getting tired of this.First you bust your sister's nose,and now
you expect me to believe that Eliza is after my money, I'm very disappointed
in you young lady."This made me angry,and I started to yell."For one,she's
NOT my sister!!For two Bella broke her nose not me."He looked at Bella.
"Yeah,Mr. Angel,I did."she said looking mighty proud of herself."and last,
I'm not lying!!!""Enough. Go pack your things.""Why won't you believe me?"
I yelled through my oncoming flow of tears.He wouldn't look at me,he couldn't.
I fell to my knees and cried.Blake came over and picked me up,as he walked
into the house,leaving me there on the ground.I turned and buried my face into
Blake's shoulder,and cried."We'll meet up with you both later."I heard Blake say
to Bella and Tristan,whom I had forgot was even there.I heard Bella car fire up
and drive off."How can he do this to us?"I whispered,and surprisingly,Blake
heard me."I don't know what's gotten into him."He helped me walk into the house
and up to my room.He sat me down on my bed,"Are you gonna be ok to pack sis?"
I wiped my eyes."Yeah,go pack your stuff."He disappeared and I heard his door
open and close.I always admired how he tried to be strong for me,and how he
always looked after me even when I knew he felt like crying himself. I slowly
rose and walked to my closet and found an old duffel bad,with our logo on it.
I began taking all of my clothes out of my closet,and carelessly stuffing them into
the bag.I couldn't stop thinking, Why is he doing this to us?What has gotten into him?
There is no way that this woman that he'd known barely two weeks could turn him
against his own children!!Could she?I wasn't sure,so I walked into my bathroom
and began stuffing all of my make-up into a purse I never used,before stuffing things
like my straightener,toothbrush,and toothpaste into a Ziploc bag.I walked back into my
room and put them in the duffel bag.My head started to hurt,so I went back and got
the pain relievers and took one.I knew I didn't have another bag to put things in,so I figured
I would have to come back again later on and get the rest of my things.I began crying at
the thought of having to come back here again,and see him with his new wife and kids,
the people that he was basically trading us in for.How could he be so cruel?He's always been
so kind,and Blake and I really did think of him as the "Best Dad Ever".He had always
stuck up for us,and always taken care of us.I began to wonder what would become of
him once Eliza took our fortune and left him.Would he come crawling back to us and
ask for forgiveness?Would he ever welcome us back home?I didn't know the answers
to any of these.I suddenly remembered that I had make-up on,so I must have looked like
a mess. I quickly walked into the bathroom,and sure enough, I looked horrible. I began
to hope that Tristan didn't see me,but then I figured he probably thought I was crazy for
acting like I did,but I felt I had a good reason to,and I hoped that I was wrong.That he
really did care for me, and that he felt the same way I did of the whole thing.I cleaned up
my face,and threw my hair into a ponytail.I heard a knock on my door,and I rushed to it,
hoping that it was dad,saying he believed me,and wanted us to stay.I turned the corner,and
it was Blake."You ready sis?""Yeah I think so,but I'll have to come back later to get the
rest of my stuff.""Yeah me too."He picked up my bag off my bed."I can take it."I said.
"So can I.",he turned around with the bag still over his shoulder and walked down the hallway
towards the stairs. I took one last look at my room,before closing the door and locking it.
I slowly walked down the stairs past Kayla's room,where she was still crying with Eliza
sitting on the end of the bed comforting her."Dont worry honey,they're leaving right now,
and they're not coming back."is what I heard her say as I walked by.I wanted to walk in
there,cuss her out,then punch her straight in the mouth,but I knew that would only fuel the
flames about my pending case with dad on whether or not he believed Bella accually hit Kayla,
and that it wasn't me.Blake was standing at the end of the staircase,waiting for me.He
was being extra cautious about leaving me alone with any of them.As I walked down the
stairs,I spotted Dad in the kitchen sitting at the bar,with a rum and coke in his hand.I
decided that I would speak to him one last time.I walked up to him,and he still didn't look at me.
"I don't know what has gotten into you,or why you are treating us like this.You've known her
for 2 weeks and you are choosing her over your own children?!?!That's good,Criss,that's
real good.He looked up at me,startled by the fact that I didn't call him Dad,and since he
always said I looked so much like mom,it must have seemed to him like she was standing
next to him,saying these words."When she finally DOES take all of your money and leaves
you,then what are you going to do?Because it might not be as easy to get us back,as it is
for you to throw us out."Eliza must have heard me yelling because she instantly came rushing
down the stairs."You can go now."she said in a rude tone."You know,you think you have
everything set up so good around here,but I know what you're up to,and you might get
away with it,but I know who you are,and I can ALWAYS find you.""Did you hear her
threaten me?!"she exclaimed turning towards Criss.He didn't even look up from his drink.
She walked up to me and slapped me across the face.I was enraged! I threw back my fist
and did exactly what I had been wanting to do ever since I met her.I hit her square in the
mouth,sending her flying backwards.I ran out the door,glancing back once to see Criss'
expression.He was instantly at her side,and tried yelling somethin at me,but I couldn't hear it,
I was already out the door.I didn't realize it,but Blake had been standing in the doorway the
whole time,watching and listening to everything that was happening.I pressed a button on
my keys and my trunk popped open.Blake carefully put my bag in and closed the trunk,
before doing the same with his bag.I quickly got into my car,and started it up.Once again,
I began failing to escape the hundreds of thoughts and questions flying around my head,
and I began crying.The gates were already open so I flew out of the gates,gaining speed every
second.I suddenly remembered that I had taken that pain pill and I suddenly started feeling
tired.I wiped my eyes so that I could get a better view of the road.I looked at my speedometer,
and it read 80 and climbing fast.I couldn't stop crying,and the drowsiness only made it all
worse.I honestly could not believe all the horrible things that had happened in less that 2
days!This woman had come out of no where and single handedly ruined my life!!Well,
she ruined Blake's life too,but he was too strong to admit it.I looked down at my speedometer
again, this time it read 110 and climbing.At this moment I tried to dry my tears,and in
an instant,I flew off the road,foot still on the gas pedal,and hit a tree,square on.The last
thing I remembered hearing was the pop of my headlights busting under pressure,and the
sound of metal bending and twisting.The last thing I remember feeling was the tears running
down my face,followed by a thick stream of blood. I opened my eyes and looked at the
speedometer one last time, it was stuck on 115...
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Please comment! :D {Final Chapter Will Be Published On Wednesday July 30th}