Status: Going under Editing! Tell your friends and family the series is coming back as a whole new story!

How Could This Happen to Me?

Call, or we'll never let you out!

Kegan's POV

“You should call Tee, and let him know what happened to Maddie,” Lydia said as she walked into my room. We had gotten home from the hospital about an hour ago and mom seriously locked me in. How Lydia got into the room I will never know.

“Why, he doesn't care about her,” I hissed as I continued to lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. It had all of these weird swirly designs in it for some odd reason.

“But she is his birthday present. Dad knows we told him about her, so you should tell him what happened considering you're the one who did it.”

“It was an honest accident. I didn't really want to do that. Her heart was so loud, and I was just not myself,” I said weakly.

“Call him.


“Do it Kegan,”




“Fine,” she hissed. She walked swiftly out of the room and slammed the door. I heard the click of the lock once again, and I couldn't hold back a sigh.

“Mom said if you call him she'll let you out of your room,” Lydia yelled through the door.

“Prove it,” I yelled back.

“Kegan Fang Vaara. If you do not call T.J right now I will never let you out of this room again,” mom's voice called. I sighed.

“But you'll let me out now if I call him.”

“Yes,” she answered in an annoyed tone.

“Fine, I'll call him.”

I got off my bed and walked to my desk where my cell phone laid charging. I slowly took it off the charger and went back to my bed. I took my position, staring at the ceiling, before I dialed the familiar numbers of T.J's house. I sighed as the first ring sounded.


I was laying on my bed, just thinking. I never did that, but since I had laid eyes on that Maddie girl something just made me want to think about things. So, I was getting a present, who use to be a poor abused girl. I bet she never knew what abused was until she met Kegan. He is insane! I remember when he lost his temper down at the lake. River almost died that night.

The phone rang once, and I continued to lay there, I was sure my dad would get the phone. It rang once again, almost breaking my concentration. By the third ring I had to answer it. I picked the phone up out of it's cradle just as it went to ring for a forth time. “Mom he's not home can I come out,” Kegan's voice pleaded.

“Keg,” I asked slowly.

“God, you had to be at home didn't you!”

“What's going on man are you all right?” He sounded weird. He sounded a mix of scared and worried and tortured at the same time.

“No, mom refuses to let me come out until I tell you what happened when we left the restaurant.” He sounded depressed now. What is wrong with him tonight? He definitely isn't him self.

“Okay, what happened.”

“Dad apparently got me drunk because I don't remember going to the restaurant. I've been having issues with having a human so close. You know, she lives in the room across from me, and her heart beat is so loud it drives me crazy. I could hear it tonight, and I guess I decided I wanted it to stop. I made an attempted murder on your birthday present.” He sighed loudly as he finished.


“Yeah,” he said in a shocked tone.

“Can I talk to Kivi?”


“I want to see if I can have my present early since you tend to beat her.”

“This is the first time I've even touched her!”

“Kegan, if that's true. What's that bruise on her forehead? And don't forget the one on her arm. I could see the bottom of what looked to be a pretty bad hand print.”

“She walked into a door, T.J, her dad grabbed her arm before she left almost four days ago.”



“Does Kivi have a problem with me getting her early then.”

“Hold on,” Kegan said. I heard a few ruffling nosies as he laid the phone on his bed. I could barely hear him talking to Camille, but I heard none the less.

“Mom, can we get rid of Maddie,” his voice whispered.

“No,” Camille screeched at him.

“No, I mean can we give her to T.J now.”


“Because he thinks I beat her.”

“You do.”

“No I don't that was one time.”

“The door.”

“Two times.”

“When she got here?”

“She walked into me.”

“Tell him We'll let him know tomorrow. Your father is out on a business call now.”


“Mom said let us get back to you on that. Dad's not home.”

“Okay Keg. Call me tomorrow. I'll be here all day. Unless River gets bored,” I said the latter harshly.

“T.J, you know as well as I do he deserved that.”

“No one deserves to be beaten until they can't breath then left on the middle of a lake side.”

“He did.”

“No, he didn't.”

“You didn't hear what he did to your sister.”

♠ ♠ ♠
oh, it's T.J's debut... okay so I know it's too early to tell.
But tell me what you think! The next chapter will be fully
In T.J's POV... I just have to think about his character before I
post anymore so It will be out tomorrow. Sorry guys only 7 updates
per weekend :) You know your author loves you when you get
7 updates in 2 days

Comments are appreciated. That's why I wrote so much this weekend
because you commented lots!