I'm the Prince of Punk and I'm asking you to be my Princess

chapter two

"Well you weren't lying Tay. But lets pack your stuff so the guys can move it while you're at work." "Okay."

*Two hours later*

"Well thats everything." "And tomorrow after your interview I'm taking you shopping." "Cool, but for now I have to go to work." "I'm gonna make the guys come later." "Okay, see you." "Bye Tay, have fun at work." "I will, and have fun moving my stuff." "Okay, see you later." "Yep, bye Shan."

So after Shannon surprised me, I finished getting ready for work. I work at this club called 'Club Element'. When I got there my boss immediately put me to work.

"Taylor, could you go work that table please?" "Sure, Eric." By that time I saw who it was. At the table sat Matt Hardy, Gregory Helms, Evan Karakgias, Ashley Massaro, Julie Halster, and Amy Dumas. All of them are my friends except Ashley and Julie. So I walked up to get their orders. "Hey ya'll what can I get you to drink?" "Oh hey Taylor, I'll take my cran and vodka please." said Matt as Greg ordered "Jack n coke." "Budlite" *always the light drinker* "Sherley temple, please." "Sure Ashley." "Umm, I just want a water." "And you know I want a vodka and tonic Tator!" "Yes, yes I do Amy. I'll be right back."

**Ashley's POV**
You guys know her?" I asked. "Yeah" replied Evan. "We grew up with her," said Greg. "What he means is that we've known her since she was 12." Matt clarified. "She ran away from home and Shannon's parents took her in." Amy explained. "Hmm, small world, huh?" Said Julie. "Her names Taylor, whats her last name?" I asked. "Baumgartner" My boyfriend Matt said. "Here's your drinks." "So what time do you get off Tay?"

**Your POV**
"So what time do you get off Tay?" Greg asked me. "One. Shan and Jeff are coming later after they move my stuff." "Where ar eyou moving to?" Matt asked. "Shannon's, my apartment isn't big enough for me and my 2 brothersto live in I guess." "Are you guys going out finally?" Amy asked as I blush. "I don't know, he came over earlier and out of know where kissed me." "Aww Taylor's blushing." Said Ashley. "I always knew you liked Shannon." Matt exclaimed. "Yeah, but I told Jeff though. Ooh guess what!!" "What?" Greg asked. "3 Count's coming back?" Evan asked. "Um, no sorry Evan. I have an interview with Vinny Mac tomorrow!" "Awesome!" exclaimed Amy. "well I'll be back later guys. I have to go back to work." "Okay see you later Taylor." Evan said. "See ya Tay." Said everyone else. "Bye guys."

**Later that night when Shan and Jeff get to the club**
**Shannon's POV**
"Yo Matt" "Yeah?" "Where's Taylor?" "Clocking out." "Thank you Evan." "No problem Shannon." "Hey Taylor." "Heya Shanny, you guys get everything?" "Yea we did." "So..I guess I'm staying at your place tonight." "That would be correct."
**Your POV**
"Well, I'm ready to go whenever you are." "I'm ready to go darlin', see you tomorrow you guys." "Bye peoples." "See ya!" "Wait! Guys hold up! I rode with Shannon." "You can take my car, I'll ride with Shan." "Hey now I don't want to punish you darlin'. Plus, I need to talk to Shan privately." "Okay, see you at home. Bye Shan, bye Jeff." "Bye Taylor" Said Shan. "See ya chika" said Jeff, wow he is special sometimes.
**Shannon's POV**
"So man, you got feelings for Taylor?" "Man, I fell hard for her. I'm in love with her man." "That's all I needed to know." "What about you and Beth?" "Man, I'm done with her. I don't even have feelings for her anymore." "Well maybe Tay can set you up with Oktober." "Man, you know she likes Matt." "Oh, yea man I forgot. But you know that none of us really liked Beth." "Yeah, I know, maybe Julie?" "Um, sorry man, but Julie's got a thing for Dave." "Oh, well, who knows. Maybe I'll find someone at a show." "Yeah, maybe even find someone this month." "Who knows, so how are you going to ask Taylor out?" "I was going to tonight." "Cool, well I'll see you tomorrow man." "Bye Jeff."
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Comments are appreciated.
This chapter is dedicated to my 2 bestest friends in the whole world: Olivia...and Shannon M
Luv ya guys...also Rae and Steph!!!