Here Without You

Hours After

I don’t know how long I drove, but I ended up getting really tired and stopping at a hotel in Hollywood. I walked up to the front desk in my wedding dress carrying the only bag I had in my van with some of Derek’s clothes he left and some of mine. I paid for the room, took the key and dragged myself up to my room.

Once inside I sat on my bed and began thinking over today’s events. I was tired and not just physically tired but emotionally and mentally. I didn’t want to think about what happened today. All I wanted is to sleep, to get away from reality for a while. I began the process of taking off my dress and messing up my hair.

I grabbed the bag to see what was in it that I could use. I found 2 of Derek’s old used shirts, Great! And pair of flip flops that I used at the beach, some underwear, thank god and my plaid skirt. I guess I could make do with these for a while. I went to the bathroom and started the shower.

Scar’s P.O.V

We were all at Brian’s house. Brian locked himself in his bedroom and is currently crying from what we could hear. It was an improvement from breaking things. We were all in the living room sitting in silence. We had given up on getting Brian to come out and we had given up on contacting Brenda.

She had shut off her phone and was nowhere to be found. We had given up hope of finding her tonight, but we we’re going to try again tomorrow. I looked at Matt who had his head in his hands. He had a rough night too. After Bren ran away, we all decided to split up and look for her, but Val wouldn’t do it. So they ended up getting into a huge fight and they broke up.

Rose was sitting in Zacky’s lap still silently crying. She was worried about Brenda like we all were, but Rose is her cousin and their much closer. To Rose it’s like losing a sister. I got up and left the living room. I made my way upstairs to try and talk to Brian. I stopped in front of the door and took out a hair pin from my hair.

I jiggled the lock and the door opened. I looked around to see the room trashed. My eyes landed on a figure curled up on the floor. Brian was curled up in the corner of the room with a bottle of half empty Jack Daniels in his hand. “Brian?” I called as I got closer. His eyes were closed as he took another swing of the drink.

“Brian?” I called again, hoping that in some way he’d respond. “Leave me” was all he said in a dry and cracked voice. “Bri, we’re going to find her okay? If I know Bren she’s probably going to contact us when she’s ready” I said as I stood in front of him. He took another long drink from the bottle and emptied it.

He stood up and tried to walk but lost balance. I grabbed him and dragged him over to the bed. “I want Bren” he said as he began to cry. “Well find her, I promise, but you need to sleep right now. Okay?” I said as I pulled the covers over him.

It was so sad to see him like this. I may not love the guy, but it still hurts to watch him go threw this. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. “Scarlet?” asked Matt as he walked up to me. “How is he?” he asked motioning his head towards the door. I sighed, “He’s asleep now, but he drank a lot” I said as I started walking down the hall to one of the spare rooms.

“Where are you going?” asked Matt as he followed me. “I’m going to try and call Bren one more time” I said as we went into the room and closed the door behind us. I pulled out my phone and started dialing. It turned to voice mail, her phone want off anymore.

‘I’m not answering my phone but leave a message and I night call you back’ I had gotten her voice mail.
‘Bren, please call us we’re worried about you. Brian is a wreck and we just want to know if you’re alright. Please call me!’

I said as I shut off my phone. “All we can do now is wait” I said as I sat down next to Matt.
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Over and Out Captain!!!