Here Without You

The Hospital

Scarlet’s P.O.V

Matt and I were on my couch getting cozy and watching a movie when all of a sudden my phone went off. “Hello?” I said as I watched a stupid commercial about tampons. “Scar, you need to get to the hospital now” said a frantic Rose. “Why? What happened?” I asked as I signaled to Matt to lower the volume.

“Brenda’s in the Hospital, you need to get here now” she said. “I’ll be there in five” I said as I hung up my phone and grabbed my jacket. “What’s going on?” asked Matt with confusion written all over his face. “Brenda’s in the hospital” I said to him as I grabbed my keys and ran to my car. Once I got in Matt got into the passenger seat and we were off.

Rose’s P.O.V

This wasn’t good. I got a frantic call from Brian saying that Brenda was in the hospital. I immediately left my grandma’s house and ran over to the hospital. When I got there Brian was a mess, he was pacing around the waiting room and he had tears in his eyes. I asked him what happened and he said he found her on the bathroom floor unconscious.

I called everyone and told them to be here. We were all worried about the baby and Brenda. I knew it had something to do with what happened today at the cemetery. That bitch Melissa, she always manages to ruin everything, and even though she usually isn’t taken seriously I think she got to Brenda. After three hours of waiting and worrying a doctor finally came out to talk to us, we were all finally relived to hear something.

Brian’s P.O.V

Where the Fuck are those doctors? We’ve been here for three hours. I hated this place; I wanted to know if Brenda was alright. The moment I found Brenda on the floor in the bathroom kept playing in my head making me worry.

What if something happens to her? What if something happens to the baby? What if she dies? The questions that kept running threw my mind kept getting worse. What would I do without her? I just hoped that she was okay. Everyone kept telling me everything was going to be okay.

Well if everything’s going to be okay. Why aren’t the fucking doctors telling us that themselves. I looked up when I saw someone coming towards us. It was a doctor but I couldn’t read his face. He didn’t seem to be happy or sad. It just made my heart beat faster. Everyone stood up waiting to hear if Brenda was alright.

“Mr.Haner” the doctor said as he waited to see which one of us was Mr.Haner. I stood up quickly and stood in front of him. “Is she alright? Is she going to be okay? I asked frantically. “Mr. Haner…”
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okay so here's the thing. Last time i updated i didn't get a single comment so I'm thinking about killing Brenda if you don't comment. Sorry to make such a threat but i work hard and i don't even get comments! and for anyone who knows me, I'm a comment whore. So Comments = love = Brenda lives in next update!

Over and Out Captain!!!!