Here Without You

Evil Rachel

“Finally….Home” said Brian as we walked in threw our front door. Brian and I had just got back from our week long…..Fuck fest Honeymoon. I felt so relaxed. “Thanks again Bri, I feel so much more relaxed after that little vacation” I said as I put my arms around him and gave him a hug.

He chuckled, “No thank you” he said in a cocky voice. I didn’t see his face but I knew he had a smirk on his lips. “And the moments over” I said as I rolled my eyes and pulled away. He grabbed my arm and twirled me back into his arms, hugging me. I giggled, as he kissed my neck. Just then the phone rang I pried my self away from Brian and went to answer it.

Me: Hello?

Rachel: Bren? Your back that‘s good because we’re all coming over right now I have a surprise! See you in 5. Bye.

She said everything in one breath and just hung up the phone. I gave the phone a weird look at wondered why everyone was coming over. I looked at Brian who gave me a ‘what the fuck look’. “That was Rachel everyone’s coming over” I said as I walked to the kitchen to get something to get. Brian followed me, “who was it?” he asked as he opened the fridge.

“It was Rachel she said that everyone was coming and that she had a big surprise” I said as I took a sip of my ice cold water. “I wonder what it is?” he asked out loud more to himself. “I just hope it’s nothing stupid” I said. Just then we heard the door bell. Brian and I went to go open it and found everyone except Rachel there.

“Hey guys” said Rose as she and everyone walked in. they gave us hugs and the guys gave Brian winks and knowing smirks. “Oh my god, Guys grow up” said Sam as she smacked Jimmy’s arm. “What? They just got back from their Honeymoon we have a right to be all ….obnoxious” he said as he rubbed his arm. “Anyway, so where’s Rae?” asked Scarlet as she looked around.

“I don’t know I thought she was coming with you guys” I said curiously. “No she just called us all and told us to meet her here” said Rose. We all looked at each other curiously. “I wonder what the surprise is?” said Matt. The sound of a car engine roared as it pulled up in our drive way with the other cars. Rachel jumped out and went to the trunk and grabbed a box before making her way over to the front t door smiling like a lunatic. “She’s smiling” said Rose cautiously. “That’s never a good thing” said Sam mirroring Rose’s expression.

Rachel always had a special smile when she had a crazy idea or something mind blowing. “Hey guys” she said slowly as she smiled mischievously. “What’s in the box?” asked Johnny as he put his arm around her shoulder. “Oh a little surprise for everyone” she said as she made her way into the living room.

She sat on the carpet in front of the coffee table where she placed the box. “Everyone sit down” she ordered us. We all sat down wondering what this was all about. She stood up in front of us like she was just about to put on a show. “Ladies and Gentle men, I have here in this box a piece of history. Something we haven’t seen in years. Girls do you remember a few very special sleepovers?” she asked us. I exchanged glances with the girls, we had really wild sleepovers.

The guys looked at us curiously, “I have here in this box” she said as she pulled out a few tapes. “The first ever music videos we ever made” she said as she smiled manically. “No” said Rose as she tried to reach for one of the tapes. The other girls including myself tried to get them out of hands, but the boys all grabbed us as Rae ran over to the TV and plopped in the first tape.

“Why don’t you want us to see them?” asked Matt as he restrained Scarlet, She gave him an uncomfortable look. “Because” as all she said as we all fell silent the video started.
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I wonder what on those tapes???? Hmmmm Comments might get you that answer!

Over and Out Captain!!!