Here Without You

The Tapes Part 1

We all looked at the screen as the tape began to play. A group of 12 year old girls in their underwear showed up. Scarlet had big colored glasses on in her panties and tank top wearing long socks. “Hi, this is a love song for all you lovers out there” she said, in the background Rose, Rachel, Sam and I were wearing similar to her in our underwear with messed up hair in my room which was a mess.

Just then we all lined up on the video and I covered my eyes for what was to come. Just then the music started, The Bad Touch by the Blood Hound Gang played. I peaked threw my hands and saw the younger me start dancing like an idiot to the song with my friends. Just then the guys started laughing. “Awe look at your cute little butt” said Jimmy as held Sam who was desperately trying to get to the TV.

“You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel”
sang Scarlet, Rose, Sam and Rachel
”Do it again now” the younger me sang as I wiggled my ass.

”You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals
So let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel”

”Gettin' horny now” I said that line and felt Brian shift underneath me.

“Shit Bren…. You look really hot” he said as his and all the guy’s eyes were glued to the screen. “This is better than porn” said Zacky. The girls and I exchanged disgusted looks before I smacked Brian’s head. “Perv I was 12” I said angrily. The guys all looked shocked at me.

“No you weren’t” said Brian as he looked at the screen. “I was 12 in that video” I said again. “Fuck you don’t look 12… I mean just look at you” he said. I looked at the screen, “So…I matured early” I said trying to defend myself. “You sure did” he said still staring at the screen. I had size C cup breasts by the time I was 12 and had all the right curves. Just then the song finished and the tape turned to us sitting in a circle.

“Oh god no turn it off now” said Rose as she tried to get out of Zacky’s grasp. “Oh no you don’t I wanna see this” he said as he maintained a firm grip on her. The younger Sam looked into the camera and smiled, “Now ladies and gentle men it’s time for truth or dare Crimson tear style” she said as she sat down next to us in the circle.

“Rose truth or dare?” the younger me asked the teenage Rose. She thought for a second looking around the room and then smiled. “Dare” she said, “I dare you to pole dance on my bed post with someone else of your picking” I said smartly. “Okay I think it’s time to turn this off” I said as I tried to get up, but Brian kept a firm grip on my hips.

“If anyone turns off this tape I will kick their ass” said Zacky as he stared intently on the video, as Rose blushed madly in his arms. I turned my attention back to the tape, when I made Rose take the dare; I wasn’t smart enough to phrase me out of the dare. “I pick you” said the young Rose to me.

I laughed and stood up, just then Pour some sugar on me by Def Lepard played as me and Rose started pole dancing. I felt Brian shift underneath me and then I heard him whisper. “You and I need to have a little alone time as soon as everyone leaves” he growled lustfully. I giggled and turned my attention back to the screen as me and Rose finished our dance. “Okay Scarlet it’s your turn” said young Rose to Scarlet.
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I wonder what Scar's dare is going to be??? LOL Brian thought the 12 year old Brenda was hot!
I updated again today because i just got over a 100 i just couldn't wait to get this chapter out!

Over and Out Captain!!!