Here Without You

A call explains most thing!

Brenda’s P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and quickly dressed. I ordered some room service and started packing up my things. I had done a lot of thinking last night, and I realized that I have a lot of things that need solving.

I had to get away from Huntington Beach for awhile. I had to get away from everyone and everything. As I ate my food in silence, I noticed my cell phone. I opened it and found I had 12 messages. I clicked on the last message. After I listened to Scar begging me to call them, a pang of guilt ran threw my body.

I knew they were all worried and I was being a jerk not calling them just to let them know I’m alright. I paced around the room thinking of who I can call. I needed t call someone who would understand what I was going to say. Someone who will be able to convince everyone I’m okay. Then it hit me, I called the one person who can actually relate to what I have to say.

Derek: Hello? Bren?

Me: Hey Derek

Derek: Bren where the hell are you? Why haven’t you called us? Are you okay?

Me: I’m fine really…Derek I called you to tell you that I’m fine and I’m okay.

Derek: Bren you have to know something. After you left, we found out that Brian wasn’t the father of the baby. He didn’t even sleep with Michelle that night. So you can come home now!

Me: …It still doesn’t change what I have to do. I’m relived to find out that Brian’s not the father, but when I found out that Michelle was pregnant. Derek it hit me all at once.

Derek: What hit you all at once?

Me: Der…I graduated, got engaged, got a record deal and got married all within a few short months. The realization hit me at that moment. All the emotions that I was suppose to feel at all those events the actual realization hit me. Derek… I don’t know who I am right now. It’s like… I didn’t get a chance to find out who I really am.

Derek: You need to find your self? Huh?

Me: Ya

Derek: I understand… heck I did the same thing, but you need to talk to Brian. You need to let everyone know that you’re alright.

Me: I know, but I was hoping that you could tell them for now that I’m alright. I don’t know when I’m going to be back but I have a feeling that this is what I need to do. I need to be alone for a while.

Derek: Fine I’ll talk to everyone and tell them that you’re alright… For now. But you need to talk to Brian within the week. Bren he’s a complete mess, at least talk to him, okay? Promise me!

Me: Fine... I promise I’ll talk to him within the week. At least that way I have enough time to think about what I’m going to tell him.

Derek: fine

Me: Derek I have to go now… but I’ll have my phone if you need to contact me. Okay?

Derek: Okay

Me: bye

Derek: bye

I closed my phone and left the hotel. I don’t know where I’m going, but I know that this is the right thing to do.

Derek’s P.O.V

God how the hell am I going to explain this to everyone, I understand what she’s going threw. I went threw the exact same thing and let me tell you. It’s a horrible feeling; it’s like coming out of coma and not knowing who you are or what you want to do with your life. It makes you feel like you have no past and no future. I think going on this trip will help her.

It helped me a lot, seeing different places, having all that alone time. I’ll just have to explain this, the best I can. I called Rose and I had her call everyone so we could meet at Brian’s house in 2 hours. I’m going right now to explain it to him in private. I think he has the right to know before everyone else. I got my jacket and into my car. I finally reached Brian’s house.

I went up to the door and knocked. A few moments later Brian answered the door frantically. Once he saw me he relaxed a little. “Derek what are you doing here?” he asked. “Can I come in?” I asked as I followed him in and we sat down in the living room. “Brian.. Brenda just called me a while ago” I began, Brian stood up. “Where is she? Is she alright? Is she coming home?” he asked. I just put up my hand and motioned for him to sit down.

“I told her the truth about Michelle, but Bri... She ran away for more than just that. Do you remember when I came to drop off Brenda’s van? I took it for a trip, to find my self. Brenda sort of had a nervous breakdown that was going to happen eventually because so many things happened to her in a short amount of time” I said trying my best to say everything properly.

He looked at me quizzically, “She graduated, got engaged, got signed to a music label and married all in a few short months. She needs time to process everything. Now I talked to her she’s just fine. She said that she’ll call you within the week to explain everything. Other than that I don’t know anything else” I said. He stood up and started to pace. “So she’s not coming home” he said on a small voice.

I just nodded, “but she’s not mad?” he asked. “She’s not mad” I assured him. He sat down, “Then I guess all I can do is wait” he said in a defeated voice. “Don’t worry, she’ll be home soon” I said as I patted his back. “The guys are all coming here so we can tell them she’s alright” I said. He just nodded, “Thanks for telling me, Derek” he said. I just smiled, “I thought you should know first” I said as we waited for the rest of the guys to come.
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YAY second chapter!!!
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Oh and check out my new story called We're diffrent but i still love you. Thanks!

Over and Out Captain!!!!!