Here Without You

The Tapes Part 2

“Okay Scarlet it’s your turn” said young Rose to Scarlet. I glared at Rachel who was in the corner with Johnny smiling. “Rae you are so dead after this” said Scarlet. The girls and I knew what was going to happen next and it wasn’t going to be pretty. “Dare” said the young Scarlet. She always liked to take chances.

“Fine I dare you to streak threw the house yelling the British are coming” said the young Rose while giggling. She stared to take of her clothes and the girls and I whistled and made cat calls. “This is the best video I have ever seen in my life’ said Matt as his eyes were glued to the screen. In the video we watched as Scarlet ran around my house naked yelling the British are coming.

We all laughed and Scarlet turned bright red. “You guys this isn’t funny” she said as she looked at the video in horror. “Wow Scar you have a hot ass” I said while winking at her. She got the idea. She came and sat right next to me and put her arms around me. “You think so?” she said with a smile. “I know so” I said while pulling her closer. We turned to see the guys staring at us expectantly.

“Bitch” said Rose as she looked angrily at me. “What?” I said in an innocent voice. “I thought if you were going to turn lesbo it would be with me!” she said loudly. I smiled at her, “Sorry baby, you know I love you” I said she came over and gave me a hug. “Rosie you have about three seconds to get off my wife” said Brian, I turned and saw a pout on his face. Rose stuck her tongue out at him.

“Ha ha tough luck she’s mine” said Rose. Brian gasped and got up in front of me. He put his hands on his hips in a girlish way, “And I thought you loved me! Or am I just good for hot sex?” he said as he pretended to cry. By now we were all in tears laughing at his antics. “Awe baby I do love you” I said as I got up and tried to wrap my arms around him. He just pulled away and sat next to Matt. “Fine” I said as I sat down in between Rose and Scarlet.

“But you’re going to regret that later tonight. Especially if you see what I think your going to see next” I said with a Synyster smile on my lips. He gave me an unsure look before looking back at the screen. “Okay Sam it’s your turn” said Scarlet. “I pick Dare” she stated proudly.

“Okay I dare you to lick frosting off of someone” said Scarlet. Sam giggled and pointed to the younger me. Every male in the room had shocked faces. Brian slowly turned to me. All of a sudden I felt someone on top of me. I opened my eyes to see Brian attacking my lips. I kissed him for a few seconds more before pulling away. “Back again are we?” I asked cockily.

“Oh my god, I completely for got about these” said Sam as she pulled sheets of paper out of the box. Rachel smiled and dove for them. The papers were passed around and I soon found that it was the papers we wrote in school about our futures. I remember making fun of them and writing down stupid stuff. “Bren… do you remember that joke I made back at the cabin?” asked Brian slowly.

I looked at him curiously, “I think you actually took the joke a little far” he said as he held my paper in front of me. “Why?!” I asked looking at the paper. “Because it says here in the future you wanted 7 kids” he said smiling. Everyone looked at me, “I didn’t have any siblings so I always wanted to see kids” I said trying to defend my self.

“Baby I don’t believe you, and you know what because I want to make you happy I’ll make this come true” he said seductively as he picked me up and started running upstairs. Everyone in the living room groaned and laughed. I giggled as he ran us up to our room.
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I'm going to be updating more in the next few days hopefully! My computer is being controlled by my Grandma who's come to visit. So comment and i'll update! Love to everyone who comments! especially to luva7x because she makes me the coolest character in here stories!

Over and Out Captain!!!