Here Without You

Good things and Bad things

Fast forward a few months

I was 8 months pregnant and HUGE. I’ve avoided passing the mirror for the past few days, because every time I see how big I am I get a…..little emotional. I was currently on the couch stuffing my face all alone because Brian left a few hours ago and abandoned me. I was flipping threw the channels bored out of my head when I heard the front door. I shifted my body a little to get a look at who came in. “Bri? Is that you?” I called out. “Ya baby” he called back.

“Bri where were you?” I asked getting into pissy wife mode. “I have two surprises” he said. “Why don’t you come out so I can see you” I said as I tried to stand up. Just then Brian came in. My jaw dropped at the sight of him. He cut off his hair and only one word could describe how he looked……Sexy. “Do you need a bucket for that drool baby?” he asked cockily.

I closed my mouth and wiped awaydrool….some water from my mouth. “You look Hott” I said with shock. His jaw dropped, “Didn’t I look hott before?” he asked in a hurt voice. I laughed; “Of course you did” I said as I got up and gave him a hug “You’re just a little hotter now” I said with a smirk to match his. I swear I was turning into this man. “So what’s the second surprise?” I asked with anticipation.

“I don’t know if I should…” he said with an unsure look. I sighed angrily, “Brian that’s not fair, I want to see the surprise” I said as I stomped my foot. I probably looked like a five year old. He laughed and walked back to the front door and came back with a box. “This” he said simply and opened the box to reveal the cutest puppy I had ever seen. “Oh my god” I squealed as I picked up the cute little puppy from the box.

He looked up at me with those big brown eyes and he cocked his head to the side. It was so sweet, “Oh my god Brian this is the cutest puppy I’ve ever seen” I yelled happily. “I was getting my hair cut and I saw this little guy across the street looking at me from the pet store window.

So I knew you’d love him so I went in and got him” said Brian as he looked at the little puppy. “What are we going to name him” I asked happily. Brian laughed so hard at this. I gave him a weird look. “I already named him” he said as he pulled something from his pocket. It was a tag that had his name on it. I looked at the tag and it said.

Jack Daniel’s

I glared at him as he laughed his ass off. “You’re going to give him some serious mental issues” I said as I shook my head. “No I won’t. It’s a perfect name from him” he said as he attached the tag to JD’s collar. Just then the phone rang. I gave JD to Brian as I went to go answer it.

Me: Hello?

Matt: Bren you have to get down to the hospital now

Me: Why?

Matt: Scarlet was in a car accident


Matt: Just get down here I’ll explain everything later.

I closed the phone and started running to the door. My thoughts were only of Scarlet and her baby. “Bren? What’s going on?” asked Brian as I grabbed my keys. “Scarlet was in a car accident” I said as tears were starting to fall from my eyes.
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Sorry i haven't updated in a while! I went to three weddings this week. You'd think i would only have to go to one. Anyway i'll try and update more! Comments help!

Over and Out Captain!!!