Here Without You

Evil Balloons

The next morning Brian and I drove to the hospital. Luckily I had gotten Scarlet a gift before hand a while back. It was a dress she liked that cost like 3000 dollars. Scarlet never indulged in stuff that big. So I had gotten it for her so after she had the baby she could wear it. I couldn’t believe what had happened. At least we were all thankful that she and the baby were alright. As Brian and I got out of the car we made our way to the gift store and got a bunch of balloons.

That said it’s a Boy on them and a huge bouquet of white lilies. They were Scarlet’s favorite. She always made jokes about having a lily white reputation. Brian and I made our way upstairs to her room. Brian caring everything since I was pregnant and Brian still treated me like a piece of glass, especially after what happened to Scarlet. “Are you sure you don’t need help Brian?” I asked threw the huge mess of Balloons.

I tired to find Brian’s face but apparently that had disappeared. “No I’m fine. I can carry these stupid fucking balloons. Why the hell did we get so much?” he asked. “Because it’s a boy, we can’t get him flowers” I said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Of course” replied Brian. We finally got to the room and saw Matt outside. He smiled at us as we walked over.

I gave him a big hug as Brian tried to fight his way past the evil balloons. “We’re so happy for you guys” I said as I hugged him. “Thanks, I can’t wait till you have yours. You wouldn’t believe how great it is to be a dad” he said as he grabbed some of Brian’s balloons and pulled him into a man hug. “It’s a good thing you guys are here first. Scar and I wanted to talk to you” said Matt as he ushered us in. We quietly crept threw the door and saw Scarlet propped up by a bunch of pillows, holding little Max. She looked so tired. “Hey guys” said Scarlet as she gave us a big smile.

“Hey” I said as I went over and gave her a hug and a kiss. Brian put the balloons down and gave Scarlet a hug and kiss on the cheek. “I’m so glad you guys came first” said Scarlet. “Do you want to hold him?” she asked me. I nodded my head, as I took the fragile little thing in my arms and stared down at his perfect little face. “Guys we wanted to ask you something” said Matt as he sat down next to Scar and put an arm around her. I gave the baby to Brian, “Sure ask away” said Brian as he looked down at the little baby with a big smile.

“We were wondering if you guys would be Max’s god parents?” asked Scarlet with a hopeful smile. Brian and I exchanged smiles “of course we would” said Brian as he looked down at his godsons face. “We would love to be his godparents” I said as I admired my godson. I couldn’t believe this either. I was a godmother and soon to be mother. We were all growing up.

“Syn what do you say we go down and get some coffee?” asked Matt as he began to get up. Brian handed Max back to Scarlet. “Sure leave you two to talk about girly stuff” said Brian as he gave me a wink. I knew what that wink meant. Brian and I talked to the night before about what girls talk about when guys aren’t around and what guys talk about when girls aren’t around. I must say some interesting things were said.

I remembered the gift I got Scarlet and picked it up. “Congratulations” I said as I held the present out. Scarlet took it and began opened it. A look of pure shock went threw her face. “Bren, you bitch how did you know I wanted this?” she asked with a huge smile. “I’m psychic” I said with a laugh.

“I love you” she said, “I love you too” I said back. “Even though you’re weird” I added. She laughed, "were we ever normal?” asked Scarlet. I shook my head, “Never” I replied, “Want to hear the big news” she asked. I laughed “I think I see your big news” I said referring to Max. She shook her head and held up her hand. “Matt asked me to marry him” she said. I looked at the ring in shock. I smiled at her and gave her the biggest hug a pregnant woman could muster up.
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Sorry for not getting this out sooner! I had some writer's block for this chapter i didn't know how to get it perfect! Anyway please comment! This story is almost over but don't worry it will be great i promise! Oh and you know how this is like my main story? well after it's finished I'm going to be working on my new story called Dont Say You love me as my main story so check it out and i promise you'll love it!

Over and Out Captain!!!