Here Without You

Nursery of Dreams

“Brian Elwin Haner Jr. If you don’t remove your hand I just might fall” I said as Brian was helping me up the stairs with one hand and covering my eyes with the other. “I would never let you fall” he said next to my ear. “It’s been a week and I’ve had to sleep at Zacky’s and Rose’s place. What have you been up to?” I asked. “If I tell you then I’ll ruin the surprise” he said as we came to a stop.

“Keep your eyes closed” he said as he left me. “Okay come threw here” said Brian as he grabbed my hands and led me a little bit. “Okay…open your eyes” as soon as he said that. I opened my eyes in shock. “Brian…” I was in complete awe. I was in the middle of a nursery, the most beautiful one I have ever seen. One half was the day time all sunshine and green, while the other was night, painted with stars and a breathtaking painted water fall in the moon light.

I walked around the room too shocked to speak. I sat down on a rocking chair that was a dark blue. “What do you think?” asked Brian as he looked at me expectantly. I turned my head in his direction and smiled. “It’s…. there aren’t any words” I said with a small laugh as I looked around the room. I looked up and saw that the light was half a moon and half sun and it was connected to make a face with a soft smile.

“I thought that we should have a proper room for our kids when we bring them home” said Brian as he put his hand on one of the cribs. He was right we just had the two cribs in here and a changing table. A few small things for the babies, in truth it was a crappy nursery…. But this was something else. Scarlet and Matt didn’t even make a nursery for little Max because they didn’t have time, but matt was working on one too.

“I thought that since we’re having a boy and a girl that we should make it different like them” he said as he came to stand next to me. “This is the best nursery that was ever made” I said with a smile. Every little detail was taken care of. It even had a small shelf with children’s books.

When Brian told me I had to stay with Rose and Zacky for a week I never imagined that he would do this. I looked around the room and I could actually see myself putting our children to sleep, changing them and watching them grow in this room. “I know” said Brian as he looked at me with a small smile. “About a week ago I had a dream about this room and ever since then I’ve tried to make it just like it” he said. “And what’s weird is that this room is kind of like us” he said as he looked around the room.

I gave him a questioning look. “Well you and I are so different yet we can’t live without each other. We’re connected in so many ways” I thought about what he said and he was right. We had some big differences but in the end we love each other for them. I looked down at my stomach and placed my hand in its usual spot. “Blaze, Bri I can’t wait for you to see this room, you’ll love it.

Surprisingly your dad did a good job with out hurting himself” I said as I gave Brian a joking smile. “Hey that’s not funny” he said as he gave me a pout and put his arms around me. Suddenly I noticed that his thumb was bandaged. “What happened here?” I said as I took his hand in mine. “Well…..” said Brian as he looked uncomfortable. “I had a little accident” he said in embarrassment. I burst out laughing, “I love you, and your clumsiness” I said as I gave him a light kiss on the lips.
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*Hands in the Air* Don't shoot! I know i haven't updated this in a while and I'm kicking myself for it but i have been busy. I hope you guys like it! Only a few chapters left so please comment! Hey check out my new story Don't Say You Love Me. It's going to be the story to replace this one on my main story list so I'll be working on that a lot when I'm finished with this!

Over and Out Captain!!!