Here Without You

Sleepless night

Okay this is freakin ridiculous. I love my kids but now it’s starting to hurt. Yes it is exactly 3:30 in the morning and I’m on my side not able to sleep because of the extra kicking my kids have been doing. Brian was sound asleep, ah sleep I wish I could do that. For the past week I’ve been kicked awake by my children and then for hours I cant get back to sleep because of it, but tonight was extra painful. I rolled over and got out of bed, maybe a glass of warm milk could help. I quietly walked downstairs and got to the kitchen.

All of a sudden the most pain I ever have come from my stomach made me cry out. Suddenly I felt something trickling down my legs. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck double triple fuck. I’m in fucking labor. “BRIAN” I quickly shouted, crap this can’t be happening now I’m not do for another 2 weeks. “Brian” I shouted again. All of a sudden I hear a loud thump come from upstairs and a moment later Brian was stumbling down the stairs. “Bren, baby what’s wrong?” he quickly said as he saw me.

“Brian” I said as I took a deep breath to try and calm down. “I’m having the babies” I said. Apparently t took him a few seconds to register what I just said. “What?” he asked. I took another deep breath. “Brian we have no time for this, please grab my bag and take me to the fucking hospital” I said, I cried out in pain and grabbed my stomach as another contraction came. Brian registered what was going and jumped to my side. He ran upstairs like a bat out of hell to get my bag and put on some clothes.

Brian’s P.O.V

Oh my god oh my god. Where the fuck are my clothes? Out of all the days to run around like chicken that’s about to get its head cut off I choose today. She isn’t even do for another two weeks. I quickly put on the first thing I saw and grabbed her over night bag from under the bed and ran downstairs. I heard her moan out in pain as I quickly went over to her.

“Bren baby are you okay? Come on breath” I said as I grabbed her and quickly but carefully led her to the door. We got in the car and I jumped into the driver’s seat. “Bri call Rose and have her get everyone to the hospital” said Brenda as she lay in the back seat breathing heavily. “Right the phone” I said like an idiot as I grabbed my cell phone and called Rose.

As I drove I put the phone to my ears. Suddenly someone picked up “Hello?” said a mans voice tiredly. “Zack?” I asked, “Ya hey Bri, wait..” he said as he got off before I could even say anything. “Fucker why are you calling so fucking early?” he asked annoyed. “Because asshole I need you to get your fucking lazy ass out of bed and drive rose to the hospital Bren’s having the babies” I said quickly as I honked at the asshole driving in front of me.

“What, shit we’ll be right there” he said as he got off the phone. I made a sharp turn and drove the way to the hospital. “Bri hurry” said Brenda from the back as she clutched her stomach. “Don’t worry baby hold on were almost there” I said trying to comfort her when I was the one freaking out. “Get out of the way jackass” I shouted at the idiot who was driving the speed limit. I mean really they should have a fucking lane for people who are in a hurry. Finally we got to the hospital in one piece and I quickly got out of the car and went over to Brenda side to help her out.

We got to the front desk where we saw the nurse she quickly saw Brenda was in labor and got her a wheel chair. “Name?” she asked, “Brenda Haner” I said, “and who are you?” she asked with a smile. “I’m her husband” I said she smiled and took us to a private room.

One hour later

Everyone came rushing to our room where I was feeding Brenda crushed ice. “My baby” shouted Brenda mom as she burst in. “Mom, hey guys” said Brenda with a smile as she took deep breaths. Matt and the guys came to stand next to me as they smiled and gave me hug. “Hey Gates nice shirt” said Johnny as he pointed to my shirt. I quickly looked down and saw what I was wearing.

I had dressed in the dark and I accidentally picked up one of Brenda’s shirts. I rolled my eyes it was her pink shirt that said ‘my boyfriends made of 90% horny and 10% stupid the perfect match’ Everyone else laughed at me while a chuckled. “Bri are you cheating on me?’ asked Brenda with a laugh as she looked at my shirt. I shook my head, “Be lucky I’m wearing something and not here naked” I said to her. “Awe, nuts” sighed Jimmy, everyone laughed at him. This was going to be a long night.
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two more chapters and then there's going to be and epilogue. It's almost over and I'm sad, so please comment and tell me this whole story was nice!

Over and......what's the point? *Tear*