Here Without You

Quiet moment

12 hours that’s how long I was in labor for. It’s six o’clock in the morning. Everyone left awhile ago to get some much needed sleep. Brian and I are sitting in my hospital bed just watching…the most beautiful babies that were ever created. Our son, ‘Brian Elwin Haner III’ weighing 4lbs 8oz and looked like a mini replica of his father. As for our daughter she was born 4 minutes later ‘Blaze Gwendolyn Haner’ weighing 4lbs 2oz and was the most beautiful little angel that ever lived.

“I have to get a shot gun don’t I?” asked Brian as he held Blaze close and just stared at her. I looked at him like he was crazy “For what?” I whispered. “For all those guys that are going to be chasing after her” he said as he gave her a little smile. I giggled, “what about our son, we’re going to have girls calling the house at all times” I said as I looked down at our son.

“Well can you blame them? He has my good looks” he said as he looked at little Brian. “And hopefully my brains” I said as I looked over at him. “So have we decided who’s going to be they’re god parents?” he asked. I sighed this was so hard we had so many friends and family that we loved but in the end I decided that the closest person I could trust to look after my kids and love them was Rose.

“Rose and Zacky” I said, Brian nodded his head in agreement. “Bri?” I whispered, I had been thinking about this since Scarlet’s accident. “You’d take care of them…if anything ever happened to me…right?” I said as a tear slid down my cheek. Brian looked at me startled, “Of course I would, their my kids. Don’t say things like that. Nothings going to happen” said Brian as he put his arm around me and held Blaze with the other.

“You never know what happens” I said, “No I don’t but I know that you and I will live long lives and watch our kids grow up. We went threw so much, the world has to give us a break” he said with a chuckle. “Hopefully” I said as I sighed. Brian got up and put Blaze in her crib then came back and took Brian from me.

“You need to rest, sleep now because we won’t sleep for the next few months” “Ya I know…Bri could you sleep with me?” I asked as I moved over. He slid into the small bed next to me and held me close. After a while Brian spoke “Tomorrows the day we go home as a family”. “One big happy family” I said as I drifted off into a much needed sleep. My whole body hurt, but I was happy. I had my children and the man I loved in the same room. Nothing could make me happier than this moment.

Brian Elwin Haner III


Blaze Gwendolyn Haner

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Next chapters the last and then there's an epilogue with a surprise! Please tell me this story was good and comment.

Over and out Captain!!!