Here Without You

Maybe later!

I was currently driving down the highway to Twin falls Idaho. I was going there because I haven’t seen the sights in over 5 years. I remember when my dad took me and my mom there when I was 13 but I was too young to care about the beauty of it.

My dad use to take us a lot of places, but I never really cared when I was little. For some strange reason I cared now. I wanted to see the places my dad took us. I want to see things and go places. I know my cousin saw many places in his travel. When I talked to him after his trip back he mentioned a few places that sounded interesting so I think I’ll start with those.

Derek’s P.O.V

I got home lat that night. After talking with the guys and going to a job interview I was beat, but I still had something to do. I picked up the phone and dialed an old friend’s number. It had been months since I talked to her but I still remember the number perfectly.

Alex: Hello?

Me: hey Alex

Alex: oh… hey Derek

Me: …How have you been?

Alex: I’ve been… good.

Me: it’s been a while

Alex: Ya I know, so why are you calling.

Me: Alex I need your help.

Alex: what is it?

Me: my cousins run away… you know… like I did and we don’t know where she is. I was wondering if you could… maybe track her down and keep me posted where she is.

Alex: sure, but I’ll need her name her cell phone number and if she has a car, the license plate number.

Me: Okay her name is Brenda Black, her cell phone number is 0546624563, and she has her van. The license plate number is cx142.

Alex: okay, I’ll call you as soon as I have a location.

Me: thanks so much Alex you don’t know how much this means to me.

Alex: no problem… it’s good hearing from you.

Me: Ya, it’s good hearing you too.

Alex: well I have to go and get to work on this; I’ll talk to you later

Me: Ya, okay bye

Alex: bye.

I hung up the phone and dropped down on to my bed. It has been almost a year since I’ve seen Alex. We used to date right before I left. She was the love of my life, but when I left we had a huge fight and we never really got back together like we were before but we still talk to each other occasionally.

I wonder if she still thinks of me. I know I think of her a lot and what it would be like if we were still together. We’d probably be married by now. I missed her, but at the moment she’s better off without me. I got up, I’ll tell Brian about Alex when she calls me with information about Brenda. The poor guy, I really feel sorry for him. If anyone could track down Brenda its Alex, she was a private investigator and really talented at what she did. I’m sure she’ll call me soon.

Brian’s P.O.V

I sat on the couch waiting for Brenda to call. Ever since Derek talked to me about Brenda yesterday, it gave me hope. I was going to stay at home and wait for her to call. I was happy to know she wasn’t angry at me, but I still wanted to talk to her, to explain everything. I was flipping threw the channels when I came across the food channel.

It made me miss Brenda even more. Every little thing reminded me of her and the things we use to do. I kept it on the food channel while I got up to get a beer. I had been drinking a lot lately and I knew it, but I couldn’t stop. Suddenly I tripped over something and hit the ground hard.

I looked down to see an empty glass of beer on the floor. I looked around and there was a lot of garbage on the ground. I guess I really let everything go to shit, while I was depressed and missing Brenda. Well I wont worry about it today, maybe later.
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Sorry i haven't written in a while i was a little sick and feeling bad, but i'm okay now!!!

Over and Out Captain!!!