Here Without You

I'll call when my heart is the heaviest

It has been three days since I talked to Derek. I was in my hotel room in Idaho. I was pacing the room worried and anxious. I had my cell phone in my hand. I was going to call Brian and talk to him, but I was so worried. What do I say? Hi, sorry I ran away because I had a nervous breakdown? I’ll be gone for god knows how long, but you can wait cant you? Man was this fucking hard. I finally gave up and started dialing his number. I’ll let everything take it’s coarse. It rang two times before Brian picked it up.

Brian’s P.O.V

I was currently picking up all the garbage in the house when the phone rings. I pick it up expecting it to be one of the guys trying to get me to go out with them. But was I wrong.

Brenda’s P.O.V

Me: Hello?

Brian: Brenda?

Me: Ya, it’s me

Brian: you called

Me: sorry I took so long, but I didn’t know how I was going to tell you everything.

Brian: Derek told me everything.

Me: really?

Brian: Ya, Bren I’m not the baby’s father. I didn’t even sleep with Michelle that night.

Me: I know, that’s not what bothered me. I forgave you the moment I found out she was pregnant. I didn’t run away because of that.

Brian: So you don’t hate me?

Me: of course not. Brian it was like a wake up call. I need to think about a lot of big things in my life, and a lot of small things.

Brian: why can’t you be here to think about those things? I can help.

Me: because a lot of it has to do with us. We have a lot of things coming to us in the future, and if I want to be a better person for you and everyone else I have to find myself and think.

Brian: Will you at least talk to me everyday? So I can at least hear your voice.

Me: Ya, I have my cell phone with me.

Brian: I miss you

Me: … I miss you too

Brian: come back to me soon

Me: I’ll try

Brian: so where are you?

Me: that’s for me to know and you to find out.

Brian: ha ha…. Be careful.

Me: I will and Brian

Brian: Huh?

Me: don’t do anything stupid… try and be careful you’re self. I’ll try and comeback soon I want you to still be alive.

Brian: I will, I love you

Me: I love you too, but I have to go

Brian: fine, but call me soon

Me: I will

Brian: bye

Me: bye

I hung up the phone and let out a sigh of relief. It was easier than I thought. I’m glad Brian is okay with this. Hearing his voice made me miss him even more, but I’m glad I talked to him.

Brian’s P.O.V

I was practically jumping with joy. After three long horrible days I finally hear something. She’s okay and I get to at least talk to her everyday. I looked around the house. I need to get this place clean so when Brenda comes back.

Derek’s P.O.V

I opened the door to find Alex. “Hi” she said when she saw me. “Hey” I said as I let her in. She looked amazing. Even after all this time she was still as beautiful as ever. “How did you know where I live?” I asked her. She gave me a look and then rolled her eyes. “Please Derek, I’m a Private Investigator I think I can find people pretty easily” she said as she sat down on my couch.

I sat down across from her. “So does that mean you found her?” I asked with hope. She smile and nodded. “She’s in Twin Falls Idaho, from what I know she’s staying there for a few more days” she said. “Here is where she’s staying, and here is where I think she’s going” she said as she handed me a bunch of papers.

“Oh my god thank you so much Alex, I don’t know how I can repay you” I said with happiness to actually know where Brenda is. “How about we catch up on old times over dinner?” she asked still looking at me with mixed emotions. “Does Chinese sound good?” I asked her with an even bigger smile on my face. “Never sounded better” she said.
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