Here Without You

Calming River

Brian’s P.O.V

It was 8:00 in the morning and I had just taken a shower. I haven’t been up this early since before Brenda left. I was going to try and get my life in order for when she came back. As I pulled on some clothes I noticed I gained a little weight.

I rolled my eyes; I had to start working out again. I was going to clean the whole house and fix up a few things I’ve been meaning to fix. I jogged down the stairs to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I’ve been getting really good at cooking while Brenda’s away.

When she comes back she’ll be really surprised to see that I can cook more than just pasta without burning the kitchen. I was cracking the eggs in the pan when I heard the phone ring. I picked it up quickly to see the caller I.D. say it was Derek.

Me: hello?

Derek: hey I’m coming over in like an hour with some good news okay!

Me: what’s the good news?

Derek: you’ll see

Me: okay I’ll be here

Derek: bye

Me: bye

I went back to finishing my breakfast. As soon as I was done and washed my dishes, Derek came. He came into the kitchen with a big ass smile. “What’s wrong with you?” I asked him with fear. All he did was hold up some papers. I took them and looked them over. “What are these?” I asked, “Those my friend are the papers I got from my friend she was tracking down Brenda” he said with a proud smile. My heart beat faster, “Where is she?” I asked while looking at the papers trying to find where she was. “She’s in Twin falls Idaho and from what I know she’s perfectly fine.

My friend has connections everywhere so she told a few of her friends to check up on her from time to time to see if she’s alright and they’ll give us a report on where she is” he said as he sat down at the kitchen table. I looked at the papers and smiled; now I can talk to her everyday and know where she is. I know it’s a little stalkerish but she is my wife. After Derek left I decided that I was going to call Brenda and talk to her. I picked up the phone and dialed her cell phone number.

Brenda’s P.O.V

I was currently in Snake River canyon in Twin falls. I was near the river watching it’s beauty. I had been here for only four days and has really helped me. Getting away from Huntington Beach fro awhile was a great idea. I’ve had some time to myself to think. I was remembering sometimes from my childhood, some good memories and some bad.

I was thinking about all the times me and my friends would do crazy things and get away with them. Back when I was a kid everything was simple, I wish everything could be like that, Simple. I was watching the water pass me by in the river. It had this calming effect. Now I see why my dad use to bring us here.

The water was different than the water in the ocean. All of a sudden my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and looked at the caller I.D it was Brain. I flipped it open and began walking back to my car.
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Sorry i haven updated in a while! A lot of writers confusion. I had some trouble with the story because a part of it didn't fit in well so i had to take some time to think about it! Well anyway here's the story so please comment!!!
Comments = Avenged Sevenfold Love
Subscriptions = Avenged Sevenfold Love *Wink Wink*

Over and Out Captain!!!