Here Without You

You say everything, when you say nothing at all

Once we sit down on the couches, my grandmother starts crying again and so do i. After a moment she gets up and leaves the living room. She comes back a few moments later with a package and a little smile. I was surprised at her smile. “Brenda…. I have something for you. It was from your grandfather… he wanted you to have it” I look at her curiously. I took the package from her and looked at her. “He told me to give it to you if anything happened to him” she said as she sat next to me. I start opening the package when I see a little letter I open it. It was from my grandfather.

My dear little Brenda
I have watched you grow right before my eyes. You have blossomed from a little girl to a young confident woman and let me tell you. I’m so proud of you. You have overcome so many obstacles in your life and even though you will encounter more. Just remember to always trust you’re self. I had a hand in your raising and I know you. When you think things are at their worst remember the silver lining in everything bad that happens. I loved you just as much as I loved any of my children and grandchildren, but you always had a special part in my heart. I’m writing this before hand incase anything was to happen to me. In this package contains a gift for you. I hope it will come to good use. I’ll love you forever my sweet little granddaughter.

Love your Grandpa.

When I finished reading the letter I was in tears. I looked in the package and pulled out something small. I looked at it, it was my grandfathers old guitar pick. He first taught me with this pick. When he first started teaching me he told me it was his lucky guitar pick. I turned to my grandmother.

“Grams, I’m so sorry about grandpa” I said with tears falling. “I’m sorry too. But right now you need to get home and be with your husband” she said with a smile. “You know I’ve been gone, huh?” I said with a little shame in my voice. “You’re just like your grandfather, your complex people who have big hearts, but sometimes need time alone. I understand, but you need to go see that boy now” she said with a smile.

I smiled back and hugged her before I left. I drove all the way home. It was 5:30 Brian might be out with the guys. I parked my van and got out. I took a deep breath when I got to the front door. Well this was it, I rang the door bell. A few seconds later the door opened.

Brian’s P.O.V

I was getting ready for Matt and the guys. I was finally going out more. I heard the door bell and frowned, I was supposed to meet the guys at the bar. It was probably Zack or someone. I went downstairs and opened the door expecting to see Zack or one of the guys but instead I got the shock of a life time.

Brenda stood right in front of me. After weeks of not seeing her here she was. She looked so different, but in a good way. I took in her appearance; her hair was a little longer and fell loosely down to her hips. She had more beautiful curves and her face looked like a porcelain dolls. I stood there in shock not believing she was here.

Brenda’s P.O.V

He stood there just staring at me. I felt tears starting to form. He wasn’t saying anything and it was starting to scare me. Didn’t he want me back? I felt a tear escape. Brian saw this and looked shocked and before I knew it I was embraced in a big warm hug. It was exactly what I needed. I hugged him back.

I took in everything from his scent to his warm hug. He clung to me as if I was his life line as if he never wanted to let me go and that meant the world to me. He pulled back and cupped my face in his hands. I saw a tear escape his eyes and he kissed me. He kissed me with such passion, want and longing. He held me close and kissed me like he never wanted to pull away.
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Third one today so be kind and comment!

Over and Out Captain!!!