Here Without You


After I got dressed into my pajamas Brian led me downstairs. “What is this so called surprise?” I asked him with a smirk on my face. He led me all the way to the kitchen and sat me down on the island in the middle. “I have learned how to cook” he said with a proud smile as he began taking food out of the fridge.

“I know you can cook Pasta” I said, he just shook his head, “I used to know hot to only cook pasta, now I know how to cook a lot more” he said as he began to chop up some vegetables. I watched him as he cooked, he looked so handsome probably even more than when I first met him.

I was remembering the first time I met him and how much I thought he was a jerk. I laughed just remembering how I poured the gravy into his lap when he insulted me. Brian turned towards me while still cooking and raised an eyebrow. “What’s so funny?” he questioned, I shook my head, “I was just remembering the first time we met and how I poured gravy all over your lap.

Even now it’s still as funny as when I did it” I said. He chuckled as he went back to cooking. “god I remember when my parents told me I was getting married to an 18 year old. I thought I was going to be stuck with some kid who was fresh out of high school and so naive” he said as he began stirring food in a frying pan. “Ya, but instead you got talented beautiful and smart young woman who can play circles around you” I said with a cocky smile and a giggle.

“Hey who said you can play circles around me?” he asked shocked. “Hmmm… you did when you first saw me play” I said with a smart ass tone. “Ya well things change and I think your playing isn’t as good” he said in a serious tone. My jaw dropped in shock and then Brian laughed at me.

“I challenge you to a battle one week from today mister” I said with a joking glare. He looked at me confused, “Why one week from today?” he asked, “Because t will give you time to practice since you’re the one who doesn’t play as good” I said. “|Fine, one week from today your getting your ass handed to you” he said as he finished the food and started putting it into plates.

“Hey so what have you made anyway?” I asked I took a look from afar at the plates. He brought them to the island where he sat next to me and placed my plate in front of me. “Chinese stir fry with rice” he said as I started to eat. “Mmmhh, this is so good” I said with my mouth full of the delicious food. He smiled and kissed my forehead before digging in himself.
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I hope you liked it! Please comment and i will update! More thanks to luvA7X read her stories cause there great!

Over and Out Captain!!!