Teenage Riot

6 teenagers are sick of their lives. One night they go out to party and their lives change in a riot that will define alot of things includin the curse of their lives. The violence comes to be part of their nights

2007 (C) Copyright to Lucy S. H.
  1. The prision of the free ones
    Keith is sick of it all night is all he wants
  2. Turn off lights tonight.
    Kyra needs a new night
  3. Desperation is freedom
    Rio feels night and heroin are the only scapes
  4. Dirty boots
    Kyra goes to meet Liz and they head to the village. The subway trip can be enjoyable. Oral sex
  5. The apparent might be real
    Keith's night begin with new found peace
  6. Kill your generation
    Johnny dislikes his generation
  7. Factory Days
    Liz past
  8. Hey Ho lets go!
  9. Edie Sedgwick
    She was white on white