Devoid of Emotion


Hiding in the dark. The secrets I’m running from seem to follow me as I sprint uselessly down the hallway. I hear the echoes of your voice in the cold darkness and squeeze my eyes shut as I continue to run. I knew it was a stupid idea before I fell, but I was so afraid to see you standing before you. I knew I was losing my mind, but it didn’t matter. Just because you were gone didn’t mean you couldn’t follow me.

I look up from where I’ve fallen to see shadows lurking all around me. Are they real? Is it you, haunting me? I stand and continue to run. Run from this life, this disaster I’ve masterminded. I’m long out of breath, but I’ve stopped caring entirely. You were all I ever needed, but I pushed you away. I had to. You were so perfect, so undeniably comfortable within yourself, that I would leave you crawling in your own skin. You were the only thing I ever wanted, but I personally made sure you would never find me.

I’ve rid myself of all happiness. Now what?