Just to Keep You Close

(Chapter one) So you say you're not a lunitic.

“Look mum I’ll be fine.”
“Yes I have everything.”
“No I don’t know who I’m dorming with.”
Emily anwsered her mothers questions through the train window. He mother welling up waved goodbye to her daughter as the train started the journey to London.
Emily sat down in her seet and sighed. She was finally off, she had wanted to go there ever scince she was little know she had got through the audition. Nothing could stop her now. Well no one apart from her father.

3 hours later the train pulled up to the staion and Emily collected all her bags and struggled through the doors onto the platform. She looked around. There. The sign she walked over, well wobbled over to a person standing with a white card with her name on it. Emily May Davis.
“Uh hi, I guess your Emily then.”
“Yeah, well I think its me.” She replied letting a smile play on her lips.
“Well I’m Toby, let me take something.” Emily gave him two of the bags after a lot of persuasion. He took her to a taxi and shoved the bags into the boot.
“Oh yeah, just to let you know I’m not a mad stalker my mum is the drama coach, and she asked me to make sure you got to the school.” He laughed.
“Well thanks.” She replied pulling a hairband of her wrist and using it to pull her hair back.

After half an hour in the black London cab the school loomed up ahead of them. Emily let out a little sigh. She was finally here.
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