Secret Gardens


My stilettos clicked against the floor as I walked up to the table with our portfolio. "You must be Val." I smiled and shook her hand.

"Rosetta, right?" She smiled awkwardly, hoping she got the name right.

"That's my mother, I'm Thyme." I chuckled and corrected her. "Apparently, I'm the only one in the family that doesn't scare away the customers."

Val sighed in relief that her mistake didn't give the wrong impression. "So, this is really a family business and not just a gimmick?"

"Yep, my brothers and I have been threatened into it. But, I don't mind." I smiled, liking in her humor, and opened the portfolio letting her gaze through some of our previous work.

"It's beautiful." She commented on some of the pictures amazed at some of the details that went into some of the landscapes. She opened her purse and pulled out a picture drawn up as well as a photograph of the area she wanted worked on. "We were hoping you might be able to do something along this. It's the boys logo."

I smiled recognizing the figure drawn up. "I know this band. My brothers are a fan; maybe they won't bitch and moan about getting up early for once."

"Yeah, Zacky drew this up for me." Val grinned, pleased to know that this would be done right.

"Well, either my brother or myself will come by for measures and estimates so we can draw a blue print up so it looks official and that way you'll have a hard copy of what you want." I continued on making the necessary appointments and plans. "Just don't expect me to look this nice," I teased.

However, I never expected a heat wave to hit when I had taken the appointment or I would have changed the dates so we wouldn't have to work under such conditions. What's done is done. And, the couple we were working for was really sweet so I didn't mind.

Today was definitely not a perfect 80°, California day. No it definitely was not. It was sticky and hotter than hell and I was only half way through my part of the job. I pulled my hair back since it was damp with sweat and sighed, grabbing another tray.

"I'm going to take off now." My brother grinned.

I rolled my eyes and glanced at him over my shoulder. "What's you're excuse this time, Dave?"

He puffed out his chest. "I've got a hot date. I need to smell fresh."

"You're right." I said seriously, nodding my head. "And you're going to need a hell of a lot more time to help you with that. You better hurry."

"Bitch." He muttered, but put on his charming smile so I wouldn't tell our parents on him skipping out, leaving me to work on my own. "Besides, the flower part is your thing. No one can do shading, especially in that skull, like you can. And, CJ and I are almost done with the watering system. There's no other need for me anyway. CJ will stay though. He's by the truck taking a break."

I scoffed. "No need to try and sell me bullshit, Dave."

"Thanks babe." He kissed my cheek and made a sour face. "You might want to freshen up yourself."

I punched him in the arm. "Go, leave before I change my mind." David grinned and took off knowing that I meant what I said and would make him stay.

I grabbed another tray of white and flowers, working on the highlights of the skull. It was an interesting design, the deathbat; a lot more intricate than I had panned it out to be.

Val rolled her eyes seeing Zacky leaning on the counter drinking a beer, yet again. "Is there any reason in particular why you've been coming over, only to raid our fridge?"

Zacky took his eyes away from the back door that was giving him a nice view of the long legged beauty in the back yard. Standing in a fitted undershirt that would ride up every so often and pair of khaki shorts, her honey-toned body was covered in dirt and sweat.

He had stumbled across the lovely view days earlier and made sure he was here when she was working outside. He looked over and grinned sheepishly. "Nope."

Val smirked sitting on the stool next to him and looked to the direction he was eyeing. "Her name's Thyme and as far as I know she's single. It's a family business; they're all real sweet. Watch out for her brother, like Matt, he can be a bit intimidating."

He scoffed. "I highly doubt that."

"Then, go see if you can charm her, Vengeance." She taunted and walked out of the room. "She's a sweetie so don't scar her for life Zacky boy."

He adjusted his shirt so it wouldn't give away his small gut and grabbed two beers. He headed out onto the deck.

He leaned over the railing, watching her silently as she planted each flower in a specific place. "I don't see the reason for all this. You know they're not going to take good care of it." He looked over the area, putting in his two cents, pessimistically.

I jumped startled and looked up to see someone watching me. I raised my hand, blocking out the setting sun and recomposed myself. "I know, which is why I chose plants with minimalist work and they're getting a sprinkler system so they don't have to worry about that." I shrugged, not liking this guys attitude nor caring who he was. "I don't see how it's any of your business, either way."

Zacky smirked at her attitude. "Touche." He pushed himself off of the railing and walked down the stairs on the side of the deck towards her. He watched as she turned around, not taking her eyes off of him. He grabbed one of the bottles of beer, condensation dripping down the side showing that it was nice and cold, and handed it to her.

I looked at the beer before gently taking it out of his rough hand, his callused finger tips brushing the back of my hand. "Is this some sort of peace offering?" I chuckled as he smiled sheepishly.

He shrugged. "Something like that anyway." He held out his hand for me to shake as he introduced himself in a suave manner. "Vengeance, but for you my dear, you may call me Zacky."

"Oh, I am so honored." I mocked, placing my hand over my heart dramatically.

"You should be." He smirked, not taking any offense. "Do I get to know the name of the delicate flower before me?"

I rolled my eyes taking the bottle away from my lips as I swallowed golden liquid. "I'm sure you've asked around already. Stalkers generally like to find info on their prey first."

Zacky looked at me surprised. "Stalker?"

"Sure." I shrugged sitting on the turned dirt, enriched with additives and potting soil. I leaned my arms on my knees and looked up to him. "What?" I smiled playfully. "Surprised that you have been caught? I've seen you in the kitchen, spying like a peeping Tom."

Zacky prayed that his sunburn would hide the blush in his cheeks, not expecting me to be so forward. "Sure, it's Zacky, it's lovely to meet my hero. My names Thyme." He smirked sarcastically, mocking my voice in return.

"See, stalkers always like to have the facts first." I grinned, knowing that I was right.

"Well?" He smiled softly. "Would a stalker ask you out on a date this Saturday?"

I smiled. "No, apparently only 'my hero' would."