Caroline's Keeper

Five: Deciding

As she was making her way swiftly through the countless corridors in her attempt to get as far away from Eivon as possible, a realization struck Caroline dead in the face—she didn't know where she was going. She hadn't gotten a chance to really talk to Simon earlier and desperately wanted to see him again, but her mind must not have registered until just then that she hadn't the slightest clue where his room was. And now, she didn't even have a clue where she was.

While wandering through the tunnels, Caroline decided that her only real aim was familiarity, something that she recognized in the one day she'd been roaming the halls here.

But it was so hard to find, because all the doors looked the same—large and metallic. The only variations were slightly larger or had more or less buttons. As she explored, it seemed to Caroline that her bedroom door was the standard, as many of the other doors she observed looked exactly like it. Caroline assumed that they were all personal rooms, since Bastien also had one.

Her mention of Bastien made Caroline realize how much she missed him. She thought it would be reasonable to seek his room as she'd been there before and could more easily find it.

But she hadn't been here before. Looking around, she noticed that the doors here were larger than any she'd seen, with even more buttons. For some reason, she felt like she was closer to Simon's room, just because she was in the previously unexplored parts of this place.

She ventured on until, finally, she came to a fork at the end of the tunnel. To the left were more of the bigger doors, and to the right were the familiar, smaller doors.

Caroline bit her lip as she stood looking down each of the hallway, deciding which one to enter.
♠ ♠ ♠

(I hope this makes up for the absurdly short length of this chapter.)

Caroline's fate now rests in your hands! Should she turn left, turn right, or turn around and go back? Make your decision, then read the corresponding chapter. (It is to your benifit that you only read one alternate chapter; however, I obviously cannot stop you from reading the others.) But choose wisely, as your decision may come back to haunt you in the future...