Fighting Trinity


He slammed my face into the wall.
"I better not hear that you told him, or anybody," he said angrily.
"I won't," I whimpered.
"How do I know that?" he said.
"You have my promise." I whimpered. I thought of the boy on the other side of the wall. Please, save him, I thought. After I die, after he kills me, let him leave him alone. Please. Then my thoughts drifted. Embers....the name floated through my mind like a gentle breeze as the man slammed my head against the wall again. I didn't even know anybody named embers....What was going on? Some small part in the back of my head knew that I was somehow seeing the future. Embers....definitely not a name I recognized.
"Your promise isn't good enough," he snarled, and then he slammed the door on his way out.

He left me there, bleeding, to die.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm pretty sure I fixed the background. The picture is Blake Embers.

Thanks for reading, update soon.
