Fighting Trinity

Alex guesses, I lie

I glanced at him. He was looking at me with those golden eyes, but he didn’t look confused. He thought I had pulled away because he was tickling me.
“Eh-hem,” John cleared his throat from where he and my mother stood at the base of the stairs. I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that they came down and saw Alex holding me in his arms, and not the tickling part. They probably assumed I pulled away because I heard them coming. The sly look on my mothers face suggested she thought there was something going on with me and Alex.
The part that bothered me the most was that some part of me wanted it to be true.
We sat down and watched the movie, me cuddled into Alex’s chest like my mom was into John’s. I was sure this only made their suspicions stronger, but I didn’t care. Halfway through the movie, I looked up at Alex. His blond hair was in his eyes, which were closed, trying to block out the movie, probably.

I let my eyes slide shut. The movie was boring as heck. Actually, I think John was paying more attention to the movie than the girls were. John. I grinded my teeth as I thought of my step-father. I didn’t like the way he looked at Trinity. Thinking of Trinity, I felt a little twinge of regret. I wished I was her real brother, to have some sort of genetic claim on her. But at the same time, I was glad we weren’t related at all. Trinity was so obviously like her father. Her mother had brown eyes and hair, and was very mellow. Nothing like Trinity. I had no idea who my father was. I am John’s ex-wives son. Somehow he got custody of me after my mother and he broke up, saying she was unstable. I didn’t want to be with a step-father who didn’t love me. He took me on for my own good. I had always disliked him, now I hated him. Trinity’s mom was a nice woman, but we had nothing in common. The only thing that made this house bearable was Trinity. Sighing, I concentrated on the feeling of her in my arms.

Alex had his eyes closed, head tilted towards me, when the movie ended. I reached up and brushed his cheek with my finger tips. He opened his eyes, and I pleased that they immediately focused on me.
Don’t be silly, I told myself. He thinks of you as a sister. That’s all. I sighed and smiled, and he looked around. Seeing that the movie was over, he got up, pulling me with him. My mom and John were already heading up the stairs. John gave me a knowing glance and they both said goodnight. Alex looked at me.
“Trinity, what’s going on with you and John?” he said softly.
“You think I’m into him? Gross!” I was telling the truth. I thought he was disgusting.
“I’ve seen the way he stares at you,” Alex said.
“He’s just a pervert, that’s all,” I said, my heart constricting at the lie.
“You sure?”He was staring down at me.
“I’m sure.” I met his gaze for a moment, then had to look away at the look in his eyes.
“Okay,” he said in a normal tone. We walked up the stairs, said goodnight, and went out separate ways. I climbed into bed, staring at the glow in the dark moons on my ceiling. I tried to tell myself that he wouldn’t come tonight, but I quickly killed that hope. So I lay in the dark, singing Happy Ending, by Avril Lavigne, and waited for John to come in.
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Special thanks to stary_night_blossoms for being the only one to leave a comment, besides xlipslikemorphinex , who commented before I deleted the story and redid the background.
You two make my world worth living.

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