Fighting Trinity


There were knocking noises and loud “ah!”s from across the hall. My stomach roiled at the mental image of my innocent mother doing ‘it’ with John. She had no idea what went on while she slept, so peacefully...
After awhile, he noises stopped. I could hear Alex’s music coming from his room, and I grinned when Metallica’s One started playing. Alex knew it was my favorite song by them , and he turned it up so that I could hear it. I would have to thank him for that later. As soon as the song ended, I turned on my own music. Adam’s song, by Blink 182 started playing, and it kinda reminded me of my situation. Right on cue, my door opened. From here, John was just a black silloutte against the dim hall lights. Then the door whispered shut, and the room was pitch black. I barely heard his footsteps on the cherry wood floors. He was being careful tonight. What if he had heard me and Alex talking? The shot of hear that ran through me was completely unreasonable. I had told Alex that his suspicions were false, so what did I have to fear?
Just as I had began to calm, something slammed my head into the headboard.
“I better not hear you told him, or anybody,” he said angrily.
“I won’t,” I whimpered. These words sent me into a flashback of the first night John came to see me.


He slammed my face into the wall.
"I better not hear that you told him, or anybody," he said angrily. "I won't," I whimpered.
"How do I know that?" he said.
"You have my promise." I whimpered. I thought of the boy on the other side of the wall. Please, save him, I thought. After I die, after he kills me, let him leave him alone. Please. Then my thoughts drifted. Embers....the name floated through my mind like a gentle breeze as the man slammed my head against the wall again. I didn't even know anybody named embers....What was going on? Some small part in the back of my head knew that I was somehow seeing the future. Embers....definitely not a name I recognized.
"Your promise isn't good enough," he snarled, and then he slammed the door on his way out.

He left me there, bleeding, to die.


I gingerly laid my smashed head on the pillow. When John tugged my pants off, I didn’t try to fight him. As usual, he played with my breasts for a bit, but he didn’t come near my mouth. For this, I was glad. To feel his repulsive mouth on mine would have been too much. I closed my eyes as he thrust into me, satisfying himself. I just lay there, completely emotionless.
If I lay there still like a good girl, he finished faster.
I couldn’t imagine that raping me was so much better than making love to my willing mother. Apparently, she wasn’t enough for him. But instead of dumping her, he used his excess lust on me. The song Never Again by Nickelback came on, reminding me of Alex. I could imagine him reacting that way. John, hearing that the song was about what he was doing, got angry and turned it off. He pulled out of me, limp and turned off by the song. He pulled his pants back on and left. I pulled my underwear and pj’s up, and turned onto my side. The tears began to slide down my cheeks as the reality of what had happened hit me. I had just been raped..again.
Because of my step-father, my first time would never be with a person I loved.
The tears began to roll faster, tasting salty and hot on my lips. I heard the door open, and my heart froze.
Had John come back?
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