Cheer up, Emo Kid!

Cheer Up, Emo Kid!

"Harper! Come and help me decorate the Christmas tree before our guests arrive!" Aurora yelled from her chair in the kitchen. She was untangling strings of Christmas lights.

"Aurora, I'm not going to the party." I grumbled from my spot on the couch, in the living room. I was surprised she even heard me.

"Cheer up, emo kid. You have no reason not to come, and besides that wonderful fact, people are going to wonder if I murdered the other party host." She laughed.

"But he'll be-" I started, but was abruptly cut off by Aurora.

"You shouldn't care if he's going to be at the party. He's not even bringing his girlfriend with him. Gerard convinced him not too, because Gerard knows how much it would hurt you if you saw Mikey with Miley. I promise all you have to do is greet him. Please Harper." Aurora pulled her puppy pout, which absolutely no one could resist.

"Fine." A smile crossed her face.

"Fine what?" She asked. I groaned.

"Fine, I'll come to the party." I got up from my oh-so comfortable spot on the couch and went into the kitchen to help Aurora un-tangle the stings of Christmas lights.


"Now, we have to put the star on the tree and we can get ready. Harper, you do the honors this year." Aurora said, handing me the star that we usually put on the top of our Christmas tree, every year. I jumped up on my tippy-toes and gently placed the star on the top of the tree. Aurora had run off, and she had a bag of mistletoe and string with her. She was hanging the mistletoe on a string, before carefully taping them in the doorways, everywhere. I sighed and she giggled.

"Well, I'm going to go get ready." I said, just loud enough for her to hear. I walked over to my room.


When I had finished in the shower, I blow dried my hair, and then straightened it. I then took my curling iron and at the tips of my long, blonde hair I put in a few curls. I slipped into my brand new red dress, and my black stilettos. I then went over to my mirror and applied foundation, then silver eye shadow and black eyeliner. I took a green necklace and bracelet set and put those on. I glanced at my reflection in my full-length mirror. The green in the bracelet and necklace brought out the green in my eyes, I noticed. I heard people outside my door, and Aurora had already put music on.

I shut my bathroom door and walked into my room. I looked around, grabbed my black shawl and wrapped it around my shoulders. I then opened the door to my room, and walked into the mass of people; girls wearing dresses, and all of the boys were wearing tuxes. I recognized some celebrities, from bands that Aurora had invited, and I recognized the select few of our actual friends who could make it to the party on Christmas Eve. I made my way to the doorway on the other side of our spacious apartment, so I could greet and mingle with guests who were just arriving. I took a quick look around and didn't see Mikey, so I assumed he hadn't arrived yet.

Aurora smiled when she saw me, and waved. People looked over to where she was waving, and I was occupied (more like being swarmed) with talking to several guests at the same time. When they left me alone I walked over to the door, ready to greet Mikey and then go to the back of the living room, where I could talk to guests and he probably wouldn't find me to question me.
"Hey, Harper." Someone said from behind me. I spun around quickly and came face to face with Mikey.

"Hello, Michael." I muttered, and pushed past him. I walked towards the washroom that wasn't connected to anyone's rooms. When I went to open the door I found it was locked. "Hurry up, please." I said loudly. I sighed and leaned against the wall, and let my hair fall into my eyes, so I couldn't see in front of me.

"I'm not here with Miley, you know." I heard Mikey say, and I felt hands on my shoulders. I moved my hair from my face and looked up at him.

"I realized." I muttered.

"We broke up." My eyes widened.

"Why?" I asked. He seemed so in love with her just a few weeks ago.
"Because there's this really, really, really gorgeous girl that I know. She has long blonde hair, green eyes, and she's the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I think I'm in love with her, and I have been for some time." I felt like someone had ripped out my heart, shredded it, and flushed the pieces.

"O-oh. Well, good luck with her." I mumbled, barley audible because I had tears in my eyes that were threatening to spill. I was crushed. I pushed past the guests and basically ran into the kitchen. I stood in the doorway leading outside, and watched the snow fall onto the balcony. Someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey, Harper, what's wrong?" Gerard asked, enveloping me in his arms when the tears spilled from my eyes.

"M-Mikey's in love with this really gorgeous g-girl and h-he pretty m-much just s-s-stomped on my heart." I said. I let the wave of tears make its way down my face and I cried; hard. I pushed myself away from him. "I j-just need some time, a-alone." I murmured, and opened the door so I could get outside.

The snow was falling at a fast rate, covering my head and making me freeze in just a few seconds. I put my hands on the railing and leaned over to look at all of New Jersey's lights. My tears that were still flowing froze on my cheeks. I heard the door swing open behind me and someone ran out of the house.

"Harper! I meant you. You are the extremely gorgeous, beautiful green eyed, blonde haired girl I'm in love with. You are, not anyone else, YOU." Mikey said quickly, spinning me around and placing his hands on my hips. I smiled. "I've liked you even before I went out with Miley. She was a complete mistake. I'm totally and completely in love with you." He said, snow falling all around us.

"Mikey, I love you too." I said. Through the doorway I looked at the clock, and realized it was midnight. I leaned onto my tippy toes, much like I had when I was putting the star on the Christmas tree and pecked him on the lips.

"Merry Christmas."
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