A Train Wreck and a Plane Crash

A Train Wreck And A Plane Crash .

Maria wanted to cry every time she glanced at one of the prom flyers that were stuck on lockers, doors, walls, and even water fountains. If she had glanced at one of these last year it wouldn't have meant a thing to her, but it was her senior year, and this was the prom that meant everything to all seniors. They bought dresses, shoes, jewelry, tickets, and had dates.

Maria didn't. She had a dress, and she planned on wearing her converse, because, why wear heels if you're going to be sitting down all night? She had gotten her ticket. But, she didn't have a date.

She had someone in mind; everyone had someone in mind. His name was Joe, and what a beautiful guy he was. His eyes were a sparkling green, and his face seemed to be perfectly formed. He had curly brown hair, and to top it all off, he wasn't too bad to look at either. He wasn't only beautiful on the outside, be he also was on the inside. She watched him help others, knowing he didn't have to. Maria found it admiring... so admiring that it made her crush on him grow even more.

She had gotten the dress knowing she didn't have a date. It was a pretty black number, down to her knees with white stitching. She sighed heavily and fixed the straps for the second time. She clutched her prom ticket in her left hand and looked at it sorrowfully. She got dressed up, and this time clutched the ticket in her right hand.

She started walking slowly outside towards her high school, which was down the street from the house she lived in with her mother and father. It was getting dark and she knew how stupid she was to be walking alone at night as late as it was. She saw a group of kids walking towards the school a few yards away, so at least she wouldn't be alone going in. She crossed the street in front of her high school. She saw seniors happily chatting and making their way in. Maria sighed and took a seat on one side of the school on a cold, hard bench. The doors in back of her were wide open, so she could hear the music perfectly. It just added to how bad Maria felt.

For most of the night Maria sat outside, listening to the corny music the D.J played. Most of it was bad, but it was enough to make tears form in her sky blue eyes. She wiped at them, forcing them to go away. She wouldn't cry for a stupid reason, but what was the use? The guy I've liked for two years is probably having the time of his life inside... She thought. I could at least go inside... There were thirty minutes of prom night left, she realized as she walked inside the school.

"Hello, Ms. Jenkins." Her English teacher greeted her, as she handed her ticket to her.

"My name is Maria." She whispered under her breath. Maria had always hated being called by her last name. By the time she reached the gym a slow song was playing and couples were scattered across the dance floor. She walked towards the nearest wall and leaned against it. The time ticked by, slowly her last prom night was slipping away.

She felt a presence beside her, and turned to her left, seeing no one. When she turned to her right, she was shocked.

"Joe?" She whispered, her mind not letting it settle in. She'd never spoken to him and here he was, right beside her.

"Hey, Maria." He said, flashing her one of his gorgeous grins.

"Why are you by me?" She asked.

"I've been looking for you all night. Now that I've found you, I was wondering if you wanted to dance for the rest of this stupid thing?" Joe offered, a hopeful expression crossing his beautiful features.

"But, it's only going to be for a few minutes... it's too late." She argued, feeling extremely shy.

"Better late then never." Joe told her, looking deep into her eyes.

"I'd love to dance with you, Joe." She told him. He grinned and took her hand, and her favorite slow song came on as they started dancing. In Maria's lifetime, only a handful of things have felt perfect, and she had to add this moment to that list.

"I've watched you for a year straight, Maria," Joe whispered in her ear, as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I've always wanted to ask you out, but I've always been afraid… So I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me somewhere this Friday." She gulped, never had Maria been so surprised in her entire life. Joe, a guy that, in her eyes, was perfect, had just asked her out.

"But why? I'm a human train wreck." She muttered, sighing. She laughed.

"If you're a train wreck, I'm a plane crash. You're perfect and here you are, saying the same thing to me."


"I'll prove exactly how special you are to me on our date." Joe promised. Maria smiled.

"Sounds fair enough." She said. The slow song came to an end.

"Finally!" Joe said jokingly.

"You know, I thought it was too late for my chance with you." Maria admitted slowly.

"Trust me, Maria, I thought that too. But look at us now." He said, his voice sounded like music to her ears. "A train wreck and a plane crash. What a perfect match."
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